May 16, 2014

Packaging design different performance practices

Like priorities and performance targets with a breakthrough performance point clear plastic packaging of view like the same performance practices can say is a tactical problem. The main focus and angle performance is what solution performance. This is only solves half the problem . Good performance practices and forms of life where design .Regardless of their performance , is to show the contents of the performance characteristics of certain content . vac tray Broadly see : everything must have its own particularity , everything must have some relevance and some other things . Thus , an object to show the performance of an object , there are two blister sealing basic techniques : first, the performance of certain characteristics of the object directly , indirectly by means of another certain characteristics of the object , the other one is indirectly by other things related to the performance of the next things . The former is called direct expression , which is known as indirect aid called performance or performance .A direct manifestationPerformance is the direct manifestation focus on the content itself. Including the performance of its morphology or purpose , usage , etc. The most common method is to use photographic images or windows to performance.In addition to the direct performance objectively , there is a direct manifestation of the way some of the following ways to use auxiliary .Off : This is one of the secondary way, you can make the subject more fully performance. Off the image can be figurative , it can be abstract, treatment careful not distracting.Contrast : This is a transformation in the form of foil , can be called contrasting , that is set off from the main body in the back to get more intense contrast contrasting performance . Figurative comparison section can also be abstract . In direct performance , you can also change the main image with a way to make it more prominent main feature , which is more commonly used induction and exaggerated way .Induction : induction is seeking to simplify the distinctive changes in demand and exaggeration is outstanding, both in common is the image of the subject to make some changes. Hyperbole is not only a choice, but also stressed that although the main image is unreasonable, but sensible . This approach is in our folk paper-cut , clay toys , shadow foreign cartoon art style and there are many vivid examples , this expression means romantic appeal. Exaggerated picture of the packaging in general attention lovely , lively, interesting features , but should not be used to demonize form.Exaggeration : induction is seeking to simplify the distinctive and prominent exaggeration is seeking change , the two have in common is the image of the subject to make some changes. Hyperbole is not only a choice, but also stressed that although the main image is unreasonable, but reasonable. This approach is in our folk paper-cut , clay toys, shadow foreign cartoon art style and there are many vivid examples , this expression means romantic appeal. Exaggeration to note that the general picture of lovely , lively, interesting floding plastic box features , but should not be used to demonize form.Features: This is a great take great care in handling local performance overall , plastic packaging box so that the characteristics of the subject to get more focused performance. Taken to pay attention to the design of the locality .2 , indirect performanceIndirect performance is more intrinsic expression. That does not appear on the screen performance of the object itself , but by means of other things related to the performance of the object. This approach has a broader performance , often used to express the idea of ??the contents of certain properties or brands , ideas and so on.On the products, and some things can not be a direct manifestation . Such as perfume , alcohol , detergent , etc. This requires indirect representation to deal with. Meanwhile many or to direct the performance of the product . To obtain the new, unique, varied performance results , and often innovative indirectly from the performance change.Indirect performance approach is a metaphor , Lenovo and plastic box symbol.Metaphor: metaphor thing than it is to use this thing , and his approach is more metaphor ingredients used by most plastic packaging design people to be a common understanding of the specific things , specific image , which requires designers with rich knowledge of life and cultural enrichment .Lenovo : Lenovo law is guided by means of a certain image to the viewer's understanding of certain centralized direction , generated by the association to supplement the viewer on the screen that are not directly accountable to things. It is also an expression of something and his methods. When people watch a design wounds, not simply visually acceptable, and clamshell packaging will always have a certain mental activities. Awareness of certain mental activities , depending on the design of the performance, which is the psychological basis of association method clear plastic boxes applications. With Lenovo's law is more flexible than the media image metaphor image, it can be figurative , but also can be abstracted . A variety of concrete and abstract image can cause some people plastic plastic packaging trays to think of , people can expect happiness from figurative flowers, by the thought of frog tadpoles by the thought of the Egyptian pyramids , the thought of autumn leaves and so on. They can expect from the abstract wood grain mountains and rivers , the sea level think -day occasion , think of the green forest and grassland , thought lost time by the water . Ice on the window , and this will make people have all kinds of associations.Symbol: This is a combination of metaphor and association conversion , more abstract meaning in the performance , in a more formal performance condensate blame . In packaging design , mainly used to express abstract properties of certain grades of meaning and a commodity that most people on the basis of a common understanding . Act like a piece metaphor and association with Si wears , more rational , subtle . As a symbol of the Chinese nation with the Great Wall and the Yellow River , the symbol of the Egyptian pyramids and ancient civilization , a symbol of the Canadian Maple Leaf and so on. As a symbol of the meaning of the expression in the media should not have any kind of permanent change . In symbolic expression , the symbolic use of color is also very important.Decorations: indirect performance, some of the gift wrapping is often not directly employ metaphor or symbolism Lenovo , and decorative way to carry out the performance of this " decorative " should pay attention to certain tropism , with this concept of nature to guide by feel.

Posted by: plasticpackaging at 09:20 AM | Comments (188) | Add Comment
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The basic principles of graphic design packaging

Packing pattern of product images , text plastic trays and background configuration, you must to attract customers as the center vac tray of attention , direct marketing brand. Packaging design to the customer than the brand name more specific clear plastic packaging stimuli , more intense , more persuasive , and that is often accompanied validity buying behavior. It is designed to be the basic principles to follow:1 . Form and content to say what , specifically distinct , a look at the packaging to know the product itself .2 . To fully demonstrate the product . This has mainly taken two ways, one is to use vivid performance color photos, a true representation of the product . This is most prevalent in food packaging , such as chocolate , candy, canned food , vivid color photos will be color, flavor, type of performance was very mixed saliva dripping ; Second, direct demonstration of the product itself . Transparent packaging, open blister sealing a window wrapped in food, textiles , light industrial products, is very popular .3 . Have specific detailed text description . On the packaging design also have specific instructions on product ingredients , preparation , efficacy, use and conservation , etc. , should be coupled with simple schematic if necessary.4 . To emphasize product image color . Not only transparent packaging or use the full performance of the inherent color color photos of the product itself , but more the image using shades reflect categories of floding plastic box goods , so that consumers have a similar signal reflects the same cognitive reflect quickly ascertain packaging with color contents. For example the use of dark red Marlboro cigarette upper body , lower body is pure white , with eye-catching color , highlighting , reminiscent of cowboy masculinity . Cigarette case decorated with gilt top Philip Morris company logo : Two horses guarding a top golden crown plastic packaging box , plus the Marlboro trademark black people feel that Marlboro grace .5. " Shimen family " type of packaging , to reflect its focus on the main exhibition clamshell packaging surface of the package. Where a production of the same brand or trademark producer , regardless of breed , size, package size, shape , packaging, styling and designs, are made of the plastic box same pattern, and even the same color, plastic packaging design giving the impression of unity , so that customer a look that is known product lines Ho brand.6. Pay attention to the effectiveness of the design . Effectiveness of packaging design pattern mainly in the following areas: protection performance design, including moisture, mildew , moth , shockproof , leakproof, shatterproof , anti- extrusion plastic packaging . facilitate performance design , including convenience stores to display and sale ; facilitate customers to carry, use and so on . marketing performance design that needs no introduction or demonstration salespeople , customers just by packing the screen Ventura 's " self-introduction " you can clear plastic boxes understand the products , thus the decision to purchase .Packing pattern design techniques, requires its simple lines and vivid personality character , with reasonable color , etc. to consumers impressed . The Scottish whiskey Royal Salute 21 for example. This wine is the result of 21 years of carefully brewed , with the blue, red and green colors of refined porcelain palace of Queen costumes , the bottle engraved with the image of a sword Kuama knights have two brand logo Salute , and with Scotch whiskey wine age identification issued by the Association for 21 years has proved that the whole package looks elegant and rich . That some people drinking alcohol , the bottle carefully covered up .Packaging designs taboos also a noteworthy problem. Different countries and regions have different customs and values ??and, therefore, have their own favorite patterns and taboos , product packaging only adapt to these , will it be possible to win the local market recognition. Contraindications packaging designs can be divided into people, animals , plants and geometric several taboos . Here much repeat.

Posted by: plasticpackaging at 09:18 AM | Comments (373) | Add Comment
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Modern packaging design trend

1 Suitable for outstanding product design personalized packagingPersonalized packaging design is an extensive and involve a greater impact design methods , mainly for different design methods supermarkets, warehouse sales , etc. due to the environment and the use of different venues of sales . Whether it is associated with the impact on the corporate image, the product itself or the social effects are great clamshell packaging .2 is suitable floding plastic box for environmental green packaging designThe 21st century is the century of environmental protection , modern packaging design in a long period of time will continue to follow the green packaging design concept proposed by the 1980s and 1990s . Rapid economic development , accelerate the destruction of the natural environment ; improve people's living standards , a variety of packaging solid waste as people increase demand for goods and increased. vac tray According to statistics, in 1998 the total amount of packaging produced 18.13 million tons , 70% of packaging products discarded after use , discarded packaging waste exacerbated the pollution of the environment . Packaging environmental problems have become increasingly prominent , people have dedicated to the research of new packaging materials and environmentally friendly design methods to reduce packaging waste environmental problems .3 innovations in packaging materials , such as: for insulation, shockproof , anti-shock and perishable molded pulp packaging materials ; easily decomposed plant material made ??from a mixture of synthetic resin Nutshell ; natural starch packaging materials ; automatically biodegradable packaging materials ; late in the design seeks to reduce the recalcitrant material used for packaging, maximize the use of light weight , small size, easy to crush or flatten easily separated materials ; as much as possible without the use of biological and chemical effects on easily degraded material , while ensuring the protection of the packaging , transportation , storage and marketing functions , such as to minimize the amount of materials used .4 plastic packaging design . Suitable for e-commerce sales of modern packaging design . Networks as the transmission of information carrier , has blister sealing penetrated into every corner of the world, demand and distribution organization has , regardless of state, market , investment, trade size , all the through the network to complete, according to the network orderly activities. As early as 2001 the Japanese Ministry of Internal Affairs on the developed network technology transfer floral technology, although currently limited to Apple and other limited flavor, but it changed the previous transmission network is limited to the transfer images and sound , but the visual and auditory delivery technologies , now has added a sense of smell clear plastic packaging transfer technology , the use of these technologies will plastic box enhance online sales of cosmetics , clear plastic boxes perfume and other goods , such as having an odor , maps, sound, taste combine all three will certainly have an impact on e-commerce sales .Many traditional businesses are facing challenges , network technology revolutionized consumer behavior and consumption patterns of customers, packaging and decoration of the marketing function will subsequently be diluted and lost its former plastic packaging box dazzling aura. Society into the e-commerce era , the function of the packaging proposed new plastic packaging requirements , along with the product packaging design encountered a new problem .5 Security anti-counterfeiting packaging design . Rapid development of modern technology , the general anti-counterfeiting technology for packaging design counterfeiters can no longer have an effect . Far packaging design plastic trays and technology research expert Christine ? Rommel noted that the Chinese mainland in the packaging design plagiarism has become a strategy many small businesses have taken the actual operation . Their packaging and brand-name products on the market designed to subtle changes to confuse shoddy, deceptive ! We can use a special textured paper in packaging design , packaging design and specific pigment technology such as holograms , genuine inspection seal , bas-relief embossing , etc. to obtain specific results, so that those fake and shoddy goods or effects due to excessive cost of reproduction not realistic, quit. Therefore, innovative methods of packaging design and integrate high-tech innovations combining the strengths of the printing industry technology , the pursuit of incisive originality and unique visual effects is another direction for future sustainable development of packaging design industry .

Posted by: plasticpackaging at 09:11 AM | Comments (64) | Add Comment
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Traditional Packaging Design Antique use

Tradition is long to produce a variety of cultural essence of humanity in the long and uninterrupted history, the speech spectrum accumulation and development continues , and between traditional cultures at different times , different peoples and countries, different regions both there are subtle blend ( such as the Silk Road in the Tang Dynasty by the Persian culture and Eastern culture blend ) , there are more obvious evolution and development ( eg due to the change of regime , the formation of certain cultural and other differences between the various dynasties dynasty on more obvious ) . Therefore, the traditional culture in different historical periods , different regions and different ethnic groups are more or less bound to show their own characteristics .In the traditional packaging design , the use of antique blister sealing techniques to design an effective and creative ideas. Antique approach can be taken into account and choose from the material , structure, style , calligraphy, design patterns , colors and so on. History of Chinese civilization great country , the majority of packaging design for our workers to provide an inexhaustible , material inexhaustible creative thinking of the gun . Both from the surface and the amount involved in traditional Chinese culture , that was their heritage, both broad and deep with no more than a theory .One of vac tray the main features traditional style of packaging is to disseminate the wrapper object ( ie product ) of the temporal and geographical features such as information from the visual image to the consumer. Thus when we use traditional antique -style approach to packaging design must be selected traditional cultural elements . However, in the design of the antique technique of using not simply , intact and ready-made patterns borrowed several ancient folk , and that is not just from the point of view of specific forms of tradition , clamshell packaging while ignoring the overall mood of the design itself should have . That is the proper use of specific forms ? Can the product reflects the mood ? Are engaging ?The overall mood of the so-called traditional packaging design , I think we should consider the following aspects :First, the temporal and geographical accuracy of the information communicatedChina's traditional products and native countless times and areas they produce different. So we designed a hands- traditional products or packaging of local products as much as possible should be passed before the local history clear plastic boxes or archeology achievements , understanding, research on many aspects of the product case . To prepare us for the product selected into the traditional culture with generations, geographic or ethnic characteristics of the typical elements . If you blindly select random or traditional cultural elements , it is prone to consumers - especially some understanding of traditional Chinese culture consumers - without the right to convey temporal and geographical information , so that the overall design due by careful scrutiny and can not afford to lose their mood.Second, traditional native design packaging material floding plastic box selection accuracyTraditional native packaging materials are generally able to make the best of a lot of natural materials. These natural materials only through a relatively simple process , or simply do not make any processing can be applied . And because different regions , different geographical and climatic conditions around the nature of the property are not the same . Therefore, the properties of different nature, but also give people communicate with geographic information. We should consider the use of packaging a large number of objects that should be the origin of packaging materials produced naturally in the design , so that it can more accurately convey the product 's geographical information . Otherwise it will affect the overall mood of the packaging design.Third, the traditional cultural elements selected design should try to be more closely with the product has plastic box organic linksThe selected organic link between traditional cultural elements and products stronger , to convey information to plastic packaging box consumers about the product more accurately convey the appropriate speed information sooner , but also to consumers feel more natural . Otherwise it will give people the care of this in terms of his awkward feeling, even in case of an error message clear plastic packaging will appear to convey .Fourth, the design aesthetic possible to select a stronger form of traditional cultural elementsFormal beauty is one of the main contents of any art , it forms a strong aesthetic elements of traditional culture can also improve mood and taste packaging design , I think this is self-evident. Therefore, the collected data should be carefully choose us during the design .Fifth, the traditional packaging should also have modernThe current era in which we have entered a highly plastic packaging developed microelectronics technology , large-capacity information age . In particular, the implementation of foreign policy of reform and opening up in the country since many of the world 's cultures continually advanced into China , as I used to , together with the fine traditional culture of the Chinese nation, and gradually formed a culture of China's current status of this new era . This is a historical necessity . Needs of the times . Novelty seeking beauty ideology is shared by the people , and only in line with the beat of the times, innovation, traditional-style packaging design will have a vitality and a new mood in order for the contemporary accepted.Sixth, the most important point , that in itself is bound to improve all aspects of literacy designerIn the painting industry has such two words , one " effort in the paintings ," the second is " both have paintings , but also have character ." This means that to make his paintings with mood, only the author itself has a high -quality literary, artistic and moral cultivation can be achieved. This is also essential for packaging design workers . So workers are not the right packaging design should be designed to have the basic skills and expertise over the hole real, should also enhance learning in literature, art, aesthetics , archeology , religion, science and technology and other aspects of moral and political , wide income Expo improve their literacy, to make your own design with a more profound conception.In short, the Chinese traditional style package as a whole , which itself is a part of modern culture. Thus protect the product , sell the product features , but also enables consumers plastic trays through packaging understanding , learn a lot of history, arts and culture, folk customs , knowledge, science and technology. From that point on , reasonable traditional packaging design , appropriate and accurate plastic packaging design use of antique technique is necessary and even more than the wan social, cultural meaning.We are convinced that through our increasingly growing, the level of exploration and continue to be hard work hard work generally improve packaging design team and packaging technology and theoretical workers in the near future , China's traditional style packaging design will be presented out a brilliant new look , get more fruitful results , mature glory.

Posted by: plasticpackaging at 07:18 AM | Comments (272) | Add Comment
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In packaging design should focus more on color

Because color , people in life have different visual experience, due to the different occupations and the geographical and have different tendencies in the choice of packaging color ; another consumer -level differences , everyone has their own likes and nasty colors, different occupations, education level, age level , and different personalities on the packaging color visual aesthetic requirements will be different. Psychologists believe : people who like bright colors , is a cheerful social type of person, but like others have dark social awkwardness , introverted personality .In terms of gender , women are most favorite white and red , pink , the color is called Women , women's cosmetics packaging can be caused by the use of white and red ladies favorite. Europe and the United States of goods and packaging of young women generally prefer elegant, warm colors , especially cosmetics, soaps , detergents , underwear , etc. who come into contact with the skin with a dark household goods not only elegant with white or other color. While men loved solemn serious black , so black , also known as male color . Special products for men can be packaged using black plastic packaging design men of all ages. Among them, the middle-aged men generally prefer athletic, pure color , preferences and elegant, noble and plastic packaging box very elegant color packaging ; while older men prefer simple and elegant , clean color packaging.In the different age levels , the character of young people active, like trendy and exciting. Therefore , young people only use packaging colors to match their visual beauty seller . Young people in nature due to the stage of publicity , like the pursuit of novelty , unique color style packaging, like fresh spring everywhere perspective with bright and beautiful colors. Teenagers and children love bright , saturated , pure colors. Children's products are clear plastic boxes often packaged with the rich taste of cartoon characters and more vibrant colors to convey information, to attract children and their parents. Of course, children's blister sealing products should choose lively, bright colors, such as Japan, the company had a large benefit industry mainly produces children's wardrobe , the clamshell packaging products, featureless , very sluggish sales , then there is a manager of a whim , the children's wardrobe drawers were painted a colored, results are very popular.Levels of people of different cultures , the color of the packaging requirements are different , some like subtle packaging, packing some like an exaggeration , some like the colorful packaging , and some simple colors like bright clear plastic packaging packaging.It also determines the level of purchasing power plastic box of people of different color packaging options . Luxury goods packaging, such as advanced cosmetics, handicrafts , etc., should be more elegant and noble color , because it aimed at consumers in the city, there is a certain degree of appreciation , good shopping environment and space. Low purchasing power of the consumer goods for consumer use , then use more obvious , bright colors.Color visual beauty in people's subjective aesthetic which is personal, aesthetic standards is not vac tray unique. The ultimate goal of the package is designed to give floding plastic box color to different people bring their favorite visual aesthetic. Therefore, the color of the packaging must be designed to meet the different age groups , different levels of human visual needs, in the first plastic trays instant grab their attention, to meet their visual beauty.However, due to the color of human physiological effects , but also showing the visual characteristics of the identity of beauty , as scientists test indicates that the reaction of the human body changes occur in the muscle and blood circulation under the irradiation lights of different colors , plastic packaging the degree of reaction of : blue weakest , with a light pale green, yellow, orange and red were enhanced . Blue, green can slow people's visual impact , giving calm, natural , tendon health, harmony and relaxed feeling , so drink packaging commonly used green and blue tones , while the U.S. Coca-Cola packaging unconventional , using red color, with a cause color psychological characteristics of people excited .The color of this feature, we should be a good grasp and apply to packaging designs.

Posted by: plasticpackaging at 07:17 AM | Comments (486) | Add Comment
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May 12, 2014

A new children's soap packaging market debut

A new children's soap packaging vac tray market debutThe summer of 2007 , after the American children clamshell plastic trays packaging playing outside in the bath to enjoy more fun , thanks to Crayola brand skincare squeeze spray foam soap, it was launched by a U.S. cosmetic companies.This 6 oz new packaging for the Tip (Crayola Brand ) injected new vitality , there are two colors. The package adopted by the special germ tube blown transparent PET bottles , plastic packaging design PVC jacket is 7-color shrink labels by Berlin Packaging 's Studio One Eleven design . This squeeze bottle top is EcoSqueeze blowing agent , by the color of the bottle and label to display different types of packing and dispatch and match aroma.Personalized designIn order to meet customer demand , One Eleven Design Studio offers several programs, including the integration of the personality traits Tip packaging design. The product range of goods on the shelves , it is very new, visually appealing , you can immediately jump into the customer's eyes.Parents are always trying to get the kids like to take a bath , and Crayola brand's innovative , interactive and entertaining, plastic packaging kids can get in the cleaning process easier. Crayon -shaped bottle with a conical ring to Tip injected new vitality, packaging design it seems to smile on the label is in the " invite " the child 's stomach squeeze the container to get foam.In the design of the selected partners , produced a series of samples need to be tested . This new package as recommended to parents and children through their use to prove not only a good cleaning effect , can also make the mood changed for the better .Currently, the market reaction to the package design is very good, and now the company is continuing to entrust One Eleven studio features Tip integration into other products such as the children's shampoo packaging.Market can be judged by the sales of this new product , packagers ABF uses 12 bottles per case of packaging , the retail price of the product is scheduled for $ 2.99 . There is also in accordance with the requirements of other customers were mixed packaging.Blown bottle is done in China and labeling . Because they believe in their business areas, China is a very important area , the experience gained is good reasons for choosing where they are willing to produce packaging .Parallel developmentIn this case , the value of $ 15,000 CAD design software can be anywhere in the world and people to communicate in real time , processing plant which is critical . Meanwhile, the choice of materials on the bottle , tube , or whether it is developing embryo blown bottle , you must ensure that there is a certain degree clear plastic packaging of flexibility, but also be able to squeeze foamer bottle with the role and facilitate the formation of soap bubbles squeezed .This design combines the advantages of the software package processors used in many production software. When using the software plastic packaging box to design , design work can be converted into the manufacturer's software platform. This means that , whether it is from the west to the Far East , all tolerances and specifications are the same, it can completely eliminate plastic box all problems solved and accuracy associated with the structural design . For most suppliers , whether domestic or foreign , have one or more production software with One Eleven Design Studio software to communicate.Meanwhile, the design company and the company also maintained the same exchange. Most employees have industry professional studio background to understand how customers and suppliers and effective cooperation and endeavor to provide the project with the best matching technology suppliers.

Posted by: plasticpackaging at 02:53 AM | Comments (133) | Add Comment
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On the packaging how to seize the hearts of consumers

On the packaging how to seize plastic packaging box the hearts of consumersThey are not the most attractive areas of daily chemical products , but it clamshell packaging is the most plastic box functional . Thousands of consumers are using daily soap , shampoo, toothpaste treatment products such individual , but only those who look natural , sophisticated packaging design , easy to use products in order by the general public of all ages.In order to seize the hearts of consumers , goods must be able to easily stand out from the shelves ; product and can be a good demonstration of excellent production quality and features , which requires packaging producer has introduced new style, superior functionality and design packaging to ensure product sales.In addition, these cosmetic products must also be able to withstand a variety of everyday consumer habits . Because they are often placed in the bathroom filled with steam , the bottom corner of damp or crowded storage box , drawer placed confusion , and even wrinkled fitness or travel with a backpack ...... In short, whether What kind of environment , packaging of cosmetic products are not any problems.As Craig Sawicki , executive vice president of TricorBraun 's to say: "As the production of packaging people, we do not have the ability to control the final product , but we can bring to consumers a suitable transport and use , beautifully packaged product ."Spray PackageAs sunscreen products, consumers clear plastic packaging have become accustomed to bottled form emulsion. Recently, however, appeared on the market a lot of spray products, not only easy to use, but also for the traditional sunscreen opened up new and different packaging styles. Packaging products carrying this style , you can always make sure that the user is not the sun burns , spray cans is worth attention and use of the market.Several major brands of sunscreen manufacturers are gradually spray packaging. Schering-Plough ( Schering - Plough ) is the first to use the spray packaging business on the market last year , they increased the children's sunscreen, apply to dry skin SPF sunscreen and the new sports products . May , Playtex 's banana (Banana Boat) brand also launched were applied to adolescents and children spray sunscreen product formulations .According to Eric plastic packaging design Desmaris packaging design of Rexam's marketing manager , spray product allows users to sunscreen lotion evenly coated in the usual difficult to reach the site , or the sun was successfully applied to the naughty baby plastic packaging body. Through cooperation and Plastohm Group , Rexam 's Weighing Systems Division launched a "AirFree system", which can spray 360 degrees to ensure that users in any part of its application .Another area is the most mature field sprayer is fragrance products , which also plastic trays apply to other personal care products Spray provides a good opportunity to learn . Such as Unilever (Unilever) 's Axe brand , although the target audience is male consumers , but its spray personal care products are also very popular with young people , and even female consumers . Procter & Gamble (P & G) product line will also be extended to spray skin care products, the latest product is the "Apple Dazzle". However, not every consumer will accept each spray of personal care products such as deodorants , vertical and ball style is still subject to more recognition .Tom's of Maine companies are using environmentally friendly recyclable container and applicator ball , but said that this is the greatest challenge of vertical packaging encountered overheating when the temperature of the container may have been melted . But the company still insist on the application of recyclable materials in a wide variety of resin after the test , they finally chose recyclable polypropylene plastic .In Brazil, Natura companies and co Rexam's , they can be developed a reusable packaging materials , Natura is designed specifically for men's fragrance . Since then , this product can easily use the bottom screw in the aerosol valve repeated perfusion conditions , reducing waste.Functionality and convenienceConvenience and functionality are the most current cosmetic products should have the qualities , marketing staff and sales to attract consumers should be aware that there is a good innovative packaging. According to Allison Doubles of Alcan Packaging , Product Manager perspective , in addition to the market to strengthen the secondary packaging, packaging materials, especially filmic materials should arouse our attention, such as those used in toothpaste and a special type of hose in the package materials.Through research found that consumers look for those beautifully decorated in the box will be very interested , but compared to those conventional, standard tube packaging would have no interest. So now those Japanese products company with R & D staff to think about how more unique tube packaging , rather than the tray to attract customers away.Now those with a standard screw-cap tube less and less, are increasingly in the high-end , innovative shape of packaging development. If those big size cosmetic lid, you can open the cap at the top of the outside of the package and the vac tray date of metallic decorative effects.In addition, the general personal care packaging, a very important factor to consider is the location of the consumer to use the product and are easy to use, rather than who will buy this product . But if those who produce products for a particular age group of companies, they are engaged in a fierce war , must be innovative packaging styles to attract them , which is the key .When Bullie Care Cream company developed a specialized treatment after waking men loose swollen eye problems , the challenges they face is the need to find a package that can solve Men consumers often inadvertently caused due to the use of product omissions . Because the men in the use of eye cream , more accustomed to painting rather than tap , this will cause excess cream into the eye as possible. After a variety of experiments and selection, including the use of cotton soaked in cream, and the last was inspired to see the supermarket ball perfume products , so now Bullie Care companies only have the optimal size of the product packaging and dosage head.But for Kimberly-Clark Corporation , it is the ultimate users of the product remains intact , the appropriate size is also a challenge, because their main products are baby diapers and some baby care products. According to Phil Singh of the company's brand manager , for the main baby care products market , the company launched a product that will be conducted prior to each market research for a large-scale packaging materials , such as hand soap and hand sanitizer bottle novelty . Where there is a bottle of hand sanitizer patented technology, that one hand sprayer , consumers only use their fingers can easily press the nozzle , not the palm , making it ideal for salon shampoo , pet shampoo and hand sanitizer products.In short , for those household shampoo products, manufacturers should pay more attention to product end-use environment . If the bottle is very slippery , people do not want in the wet in the bathroom because the position of the cap fumble out of any accident .CostFor when the manufacturers, the biggest obstacle to explore the market how to make their products unique , cost is only sufficient value in the product can not reflect the unique considerations . Under normal circumstances, the increase in the retail price of the product are caused because of packaging innovation .

Posted by: plasticpackaging at 02:53 AM | Comments (367) | Add Comment
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Cosmetic packaging plastic detergent bottles

After China joined the WTO, global brand management has become an important clamshell packaging strategic enterprises in international competition. Brand development , brand and brand innovation, education issues are also increasingly subject to the attention of domestic enterprises , Chinese enterprises in the continuous exploration , and development in innovation . With the enhancement of people's consumption level and consumption capacity , cosmetics, detergent production and sales has been an unprecedented development, the increasingly fierce market competition , the business in order to expand the sales of their products, in the fierce competition in the market a place , it is painstaking , cosmetics , detergent packaging down enough effort, it requires high-quality packaging materials to enhance their social status . Thus promoting the rapid development of the packaging industry. With the development of packaging materials and packaging technology , plastic bottles are widely used in cosmetics , detergent packaging, such as inexpensive polystyrene, polyvinyl chloride , polyethylene, polypropylene and other prices , a rich source of good performance and molding of plastic materials, can be made into various structures and shapes of the bottles , and can be a variety of decorative designs and horizontal loading , play better sales packaging function . Thus, modern cosmetics, detergent packaging forms, a wide range of decorating beautifully . In recent years, due to the plastic bottles in the design, decoration , material selection , rapid increase in the molding process and technology , making application in cosmetics, cleaning supplies packaging more widely, the role and position in the packaging material increasingly The more prominent.First, the plastic bottles are widely used in daily chemical industryA focus on marketing, packaging design , improving product competitivenessConsumers because of their age , gender , occupation, education , economic level , such as differences in their shopping psychology is different. Therefore, we should be determined based on the differences in different packaging design strategy product positioning and consumer groups. The plastic packaging box first series of packaging , detergent especially plastic boxplastic packaging shampoos, often caused by a variety of different functions of the composition of products, its exactly the same pattern , only in different colors mark different functions. For example , Rejoice " Radix black " black bottle , giving the image of shiny black hair ? Crow "nourishing dandruff " is emerald green , giving a fresh visual effects. Second, the combination of equipment , that is related to the use of the product in one big bag while sales , shampoo and bath gel for hand washing or foam cleanser loaded with a small transparent bag, the price is slightly more than a single product to sell cheap . Establish simulation shelves, beautifully designed packaging inspection is Procter & Gamble common canon , very worth learning from domestic enterprises2 . Plastic bottles specifications diversity to meet different levels of consumptionDue to increased competition in the cosmetics market , the manufacturers put on cosmetics packaging is growing. For middle and low cosmetics, in order to meet different needs , capacity size containers presents diversity to facilitate consumer choice ? Crow for high-end products , take a small -capacity containers for packaging to meet the needs of low-income people . Relatively speaking , shampoo and shower gel dosage more ,500-750ml of Family Pack also very common.3 . Diversity plastic timber to meet the needs of different product packagingOrdinary cosmetics , detergent containers , most based on the high-density polyethylene HDPE. To meet the packaging requirements of different products , plastic bottles choice of materials is increasingly enriched.As the transparent container allows consumers to clearly see the contents, so consumers are increasingly demanding transparent containers wide and transparent polypropylene CPP is the main material to meet this requirement , the development of PP bottles are nearly transparent years at home and abroad a hot plastic packaging . Compared with other transparent plastic resins , CPP is ordinary cheap , highly competitive new products. High transparent polypropylene containers , with good transparency and gloss , enjoy strong popular. Such as Clairol Herbal series with such containers is through fully transparent sidewall and shampoo , you can see the green grass of the back wall pasted image , fun to watch.Transparent PET plastic bottles has become equally as competing manufacturers today use technology and cosmetics packaging containers. Such as NICE , Blue Moon , open rice and some other subjects flexor corporate and brand shower gel , skin care products , packaging design cleaning supplies and so pioneered the use of PET packaging material container . PET bottles with the following characteristics a wide capacity range , through stretch blow molding process to produce high strength , highly vac tray transparent plastic bottle , capacity used can range from tens of milliliters to 2 liters bottles ; two transparency and gloss , has a good plasticity , impact resistance and dimensional stability , chemical stability , good gas barrier properties ; 3PET bottles of soft touch .4 . IML technology applications to improve the cosmetics, detergent packaging gradesIML applications in foreign countries has been a considerable time, making its mold labeling and in-mold labeling machine for production applications has been very mature , in-mold label is a label different from the traditional packaging of the new labeling and packaging in the form of a traditional plastic packaging design label packaging mainly Shrink packaging labels clear plastic packaging , adhesive labels direct screen printing packaging and labeling and packaging ? snow , he appeared plastic trays to labeling and packaging to bring very significant revolution. Compared with the traditional packaging labels , in-mold labeling advantages, one , play a security role , 2, improve product quality, label colors more vivid , smooth feel , 3, simplifying the production process , greatly improving the efficiency of production , 4, IML products practical, low loss, not Alice standard, damaged, and a waterproof, anti-oil , acid and alkali , abrasion , throw , labels and products can be recycled at the same time , simplifying the regeneration process , taking into account the environmental protection. Currently, there are more and more domestic cosmetics, detergent manufacturers choose in-mold labeling plastic bottles to package their products, such as Wuhan Bons company , jade , and other enterprises in Guangzhou Blue Moon was the first to use in-mold labeling of Japanese enterprise one of the current labeling plastic containers Bons companies all use the mold . IML in cosmetics, cleaning products , household chemicals and other industry applications will be more widely , more favored by consumers .

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Symbols cosmetic packaging to be optimistic

As long as you pay attention a little , you will find more and more imported cosmetics flock to our dresser. Those beautifully packaged, the foreign origin of the bottles labeled with a variety of us are not familiar with the letters: the nuances of English, French, Japanese words between how much some people uncertain. The following collection of the most common cosmetic bottles vocabulary and symbols let you know at a glance the proper use of the hands of the baby . Hydratant/Hydra/Moisturize--- moisturizer This should be our most common words used in everyday lotion , moisturizer , lip balm and other products will be on view , but more and more makeup products also note Ming has a moisturizing effect. Sometimes we will clamshell packaging see marked with the words "Hydra-Move" or "Hydra-Balance" on some products , it represents the "dynamic moisturizing " or " equilibrium moisture" to meet the individual needs of women of different skin for moisturizing . PoreMinimising/PoreReducer--- contraction, PoreThese words marked products with shrink pores effect, usually more than appears on oily and combination skin applies in , can effectively regulate oil secretion , so Pore . clear plastic packaging Lift/Firming/Contouring--- tight, since people realized plastic box that the force of gravity pulling on the hazards of beauty , the variety has plastic packaging design to tighten the skin, plastic trays improve the contour of skin care products by the beauty of women of all ages, especially in slimming will often see these words on a weight-loss products. Sebum/Shine/Brilliance--- control excessive sebum secretion of sebum is really troublesome thing, plastic packaging box not only in the daily cleaning procedures should be noted that the daily care products also contain ingredients inhibit oil secretion , can fundamentally improve skin. So when you want to buy products see whether each product has ingredients inhibit oil secretion and function .Nutri / Nutritive / Nourish-ing--- Nutritious, nourishing these words you will feel very familiar look that usually appears on the skin care products used in some kind of essence or night , with the repair of the hair care products are also common.Repair/Anti-Age--- repair almost all anti-aging anti-aging products will have such a word , generally refers to the prevention of and get rid of fine wrinkles and other aging . Exfoliant/Gommage/Scrub--- exfoliating beautician often said: . " To the skin smooth and delicate , you first go horny " residual aging on the skin cells require regular treatment , it is essential exfoliating products , see Are there on your dresser product label these words now ! Dual/3D/Multi--- two, packaging design three or more of the above functionsSee these words , you know it means a product has multiple effects and features, this is one of the emerging trend of skin care products . WaterProof --- waterproof "Even in the pool , I still look so good " --- To achieve this effect , you must use vac tray a waterproof cosmetic efficacy , we would usually waterproof mascara and does not wear lipstick see this mark . Soin/Peau/Teint--- previously modified color we often see that the words on the foundation cream , powder packaging, but now more and plastic packaging more skin care products also have such a feature. Anti-Oxidant --- antioxidant oxidation is the greatest threat to skin aging , sun , stress, environmental pollution and the proliferation of free radicals and so allows the skin , resulting in looking bleak , water and other oxidation. SPF/PA--- SPF sunscreen SPF refers to the prevention of UVB ( ultraviolet induce skin darkening ) of the index , generally used in their daily work around SPF15 enough, but in the summer need SPF20 ~ 30, the beach and more is needed more than SPF30 sunscreen index . The PA refers sunscreen prevent UVA ( the skin and produce sunburn and UV photoaging ) , generally have three levels : PA +, PA + +, PA + + +, + more , the stronger anti- UVA .

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Cosmetics packaging " globalization " is not easy to say love you

Cosmetics packaging " packaging design globalization " is not easy to say love youTo the WTO, the Chinese local enterprises, the brand's " global management " problem seems to be clearly visible, inevitable . And so he did . Economic integration is becoming increasingly clear in today's society , globalization has become an important strategy for international competition between enterprises , brand development, brand education , brand innovation and other issues are also increasingly by domestic enterprises attention . Although there is no international brands rich brand management experience, but also a lack of successful brand management operations , but China 's local enterprises are still exploring practical way , from learning foreign companies advanced technology , management experience began to learn the successful promotion of foreign enterprises marketing model , and a passion for innovation , to stimulate growth. This is in cosmetics, cleaning products industry is no exception.Product connotation "coat" For many consumers , the mind also left white porcelain green metal plastic packaging design cover , antique, affordable "great friendship" cream impression, but this was in the 1980s, famed country, has hundreds of millions of customers of the old brand , and now we can only rely increasingly curtailed consumer groups to maintain their meager sales of the. The stark contrast, many foreign brands carry the new technologies, new products, dazzling , elegant and beautifully packaged in the country, followed by the overwhelming packaging and promotion, and its ultimate goal is only one - compete for every possible customer . " Cosmetics" general sense actually includes skincare , beauty salons and perfume and other categories.According to the staff of the Chinese Association of Fragrance Flavor and Cosmetic Industry introduced a variety of plastic packaging box eye cream, night cream , SOD honey and sunscreen , etc. can be included in the list of skin care products , shampoo , hair conditioner, hair water , lipstick , eyebrow plastic box pencil , nail cosmetic oil is classified as beauty salons , and perfumes can always dreams of. Cosmetics as a fashion consumer goods , it requires high-quality packaging materials to enhance their social vac tray status . Currently, almost all kinds of materials are used in the packaging of cosmetics , while glass , plastic, metal material is a three current major cosmetic plastic packaging packaging container material used , paper is commonly used for packaging cosmetics ."Constantly developing new materials and new processing technology , the pursuit of new styling , has been in the industry in terms of cosmetic packaging container development focus ." Engaged in a long-term study of the packaging materials engineers told reporters , "Now, with a range of materials has not only limited to glass bottles, plastic bottles, the application of new materials has also become the cosmetics industry to launch new products, improve existing products of a way . " he said, with well-known P & G ( Procter & Gamble ) , for example, its launch last year, " Zest " bath brand bottles have changed the material on the hard plastic texture, and the choice of a more humane soft hardness of plastic packaging , " in this way, virtually , a product which increases the affinity . "The implication, plastic trays " Zest " The successful launch of their choice of packaging materials are not unrelated. Similarly, another brand of Procter & Gamble - " Pantene " in the existing strong brand basis, but also in packaging design and material improvements clear plastic packaging made ??considerable efforts , and strive to be "old " brand inject fresh vitality. This also means that fashion, eye-catching , vibrant , fun packaging design and adoption of a new bottle , the future will be one of the means of winning end clamshell packaging cosmetics manufacturers . In the field of skin care products, durable , attractive packaging is endless.The industry in North Cosmetics Co., Ltd. produced a series of crystal products, for example , said its manufacturing process is relatively unique paste - with fully automated computer system cream machinery will be the essence of the effectiveness of various elements made ??of spherical particles , filamentous variety of shapes such as flowers , placed Mile transparent gel -like , not only the appearance of crystal clear, stylish appearance, but also because the essence intact seals , and use the active metal ion conduction , making a paste than the average skin care products can more quickly and effectively restore the skin's natural vitality , eliminate skin problems.Therefore , designers take into account the aesthetics of its paste , the choice on the packaging of the bottle , there is a tendency to choose transparency, plasticity, and more solid feel and the same glass plexiglass material , adding to the quality of , superior gloss, gold, silver cap , want to give this crystal series cosmetics luxurious, stylish products connotation. And then also proved their packaging design requirements.Thus, cosmetic packaging globalization is imminent , although these questions about our cosmetic packaging industry is a new challenge , but who can say that this is not a sweet burden of it . Finally , still had heartfelt sigh a " cosmetic packaging globalization is not easy to say love you " !

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May 08, 2014

Pharmaceutical packaging how consumers communicate with instant

There is such a story , someone asked what clothes is getting a warm packaging design , beautiful , etc. , the most creative answer is this: ! Makes you look not too disgusting this is a joke , but I think it also to some extent reflects the most fundamental reason for the existence of packaging design - after an original product packaging beautify various ways , became a true sense of the commodity . When consumers browse the counter , the package allows to produce a link between consumers and products, so good packaging design can instantly put the information needs of people and goods delivered together - "People with money to vote, selection and the more bit of merchandise . "Good packaging design is the key to sales plastic packaging box success .People often say that packaging is the best product advertising is indeed the case . Wide range of products in pharmacies sea , when not covered with the advertisement overwhelming terminal, the only channel to convey product information is the product packaging ( especially non- advertising products ) . Our products are Chinese ? Modern medicine ? Medicine ? Prescription drugs ? What can we do ? What our strengths are ? Price range where ? Our brothers and sisters ( family package ) Who is ? Good packaging design can successfully complete major shoulder mission , so that consumers identify the products from all the competition and induce the purchase of its own .What is a good package design criteria?We often hear the phrase : This color is too boring pvc tray manufacturer ; this font I do not like ...... I think , from a purely visual point of view to evaluate the packaging design is not objective. So how to vac tray evaluate drug packaging design and the bad?One is intuitive - packaging design is intuitive design , according to statistics : Consumers browse merchandise on each product residence time does not exceed half a second , even if such drugs as there is a high degree of concern goods , the residence time of double clear plastic packaging vision , and that in a second plastic packaging time, we turn to tell consumers what ? designed to be intuitive, direct , simple and bells and whistles are simple means of expression, pharmaceutical packaging must be clear, so that consumers use them at a glance.Second, the brand is striking - Drug is a special commodity, the product itself features ( product size , legal constraints ) determines the number of laws designed its packaging because packaging sizes small, limited display surface in the most prominent element should be the product's brand name. A method of manufacturing there are many eye-catching brand effect : You can enlarge brand word - Tylenol ; may create a strong color contrast - Lamisil ; font design can be personalized - CSDP ...... think about these products and let us like how they like to do in the limited space for brands have a strong visual impact, which indeed is placed in front of each drug packaging designers challenge.Thirdly, it is not reflected in product efficacy and plastic trays characteristics - the easiest way is to indications placed in position behind the brand name , like a lot of cold medicine ; Second, the unique product characteristics must be matched by a distinctive visual performance, the most typical case is the first "white with black " packaging , on behalf of each day and night, black white screen 1 / 2 as the base map , brands, products prominently highlighted on the screen , reflects daylight white film, black film night unique selling point , simple and vivid, but I do not know why the later changed the packaging with a yellow color , puzzling. In the last year I had the good pharynx Yardley design packaging , then the name of the product is called " Elion licorice Yi throat cool" , the customer made ??a very clear consumer group positioning - smoking, excessive throat needs people after full argument , the we propose to their task specific requirements : packaging products to achieve instant communication with consumers , that is the first time so that process is linked products and smokers , so only clamshell manufacturers the "good swallow " naming With the " love of the pharynx to the people" slogan pun , with the same package structure as cigarette creativity , with the same package as the enlarging style . Facts have proved that the design and product features contact is the most effective way to communicate .Fourth, there is no innovation in the expression - a word Goebbels explained : "The first convey a point of view to the world who is always right ", although not necessarily tested, but often does . After Tylenol with indications + pigeon to the performance of effective , can be taken after the performance to go with the traditional blue and white style , after the white and black with color contrast to the performance of the night split effective product design concept can ...... very nice , even shape quite similar , but is always pick up the market , consumers will forever remember the first time with a new way of expression products. Packaging design competition design , high degree of homogeneity in the drug today, it is difficult to achieve innovation performance in the difficult exaggeration to say that the need favorable factors , there is a distinct product characteristics is the foundation, packaging clamshell there is a striking designer luck myself.Fifth, whether the product 's identity - the so-called identity , including their ownership, price factors , plastic box consumer group positioning , etc., packaging designers should fully analyze the product identity and then get to work .Western medicine with western medicine approach , herbal medicine has a way with a brush strokes to write the word ranitidine , with the huge letters of the alphabet to write bezoar supernatant pills are inconsistent with the way their performance attribution ( not absolutely need to see creators of ideas and picture control ) ; price determination packaging costs : a generic drug products with complex patterns and production process to complete the packaging is also unwise ; anything about what people say : If the child or children will use drugs parents familiar way to convey information .You will hear three liePrinciples are there any pitfalls too stiff . When some of the principles no longer have a positive impact , when it began hinder the plastic packaging design development of packaging design , it becomes a lie.These lie brings two consequences: poor work and useless work. information display on - should show as much information on the package. In the limited space of infinite possibilities can not be done , everything is equal to less than all things , or the above point of view, a clear second can say what it says . cost cybernetics - ! With advertising in support , no need to go to war , cost savings on the packaging it likened to a blind date if the purchase behavior , always beautifully dressed and then go , no matter how vaunted , reality becomes an official cartoon the light die , I believe what matchmaker ( ad ) there is no way to restore the . Money spent on the packaging rather than investment spending is , want return, packaging is an important part. supremacy of the design - good design can make up for lack of materials and production . If the ratio is divided by a successful packaging design only to 50% , also accounted for half of the operative part of proportion . Excellent material , exquisite processing technology is the best guarantee of originality reflects the designer , but also the quality of the product proved beneficial .Before the creation of the creation of"The difficulty is not crossed , but know where crossed ." Any new packaging design issues are a new challenge , did not have all the information before , I believe that most designers are also confused , just based on personal experience to try creative dangerous and irresponsible. Investigations are partners, research is a friend , when the designer more about products , more understanding audience, the more understanding of the market situation , the more able to grasp the precise design direction. Before the creation of the drug companies , the product itself , competitors , consumer target for effective research, determine the direction of creation, is the creation before creation. For example: In terms of our product surveys an effective way : customer questionnaires . Customers to answer questions raised by the advertising company , to help designers understand the situation . Here is the questionnaire we designed the packaging for a new enterprise integration time :About the product:The packaging of the product which involves the integration of these products are classified according to what way ? ? ? ? ( Eg : otc- cold type, stomach , etc.) The clamshell packaging main way of selling these products ( which in which two pharmacies in hospitals which are available for purchase ? ) we sold drugs in pharmacies which in the competitive category in ( such as colds class ) ? , and please cite its category in the main competition ? levels in patients with various products ( high and low ) for the ?About Style lease describe your vision of packaging design style ? Give an example of the packaging and the reasons you believe that success ? Give an example of the failure of the packaging and you believe that the reason ?About Series of :This package is needed to reflect the integration of the most family -style or a single product personalization ? Series in order to reflect a sense of consistency , to give up doing is selling a product unique character design is acceptable it?About class style Need to answer the first question ) If you press the Rx and OTC categories , two categories of style is still a need to standardize the difference ? If there are differences , that part will be unified on the screen representing the entire packaging design style much gravity ? ( Above question the answer is unified this question ignored ) classification after your category envisaged style ? ( such as the first question the answer is unity , this question is ignored )About Inheritance:Group inheritance of whether the drug packaging requirements ? Design elements that must be preserved ? ( Eg Group logo , etc. )About the price lease tell the price of each product , as well as the price of similar products in their position ? Benefits ( added value ) All products on common interests can no performance ? ( Same price as the performance more than the amount ? ) On the added value you have on the common What other considerations ?About time:Sands of time you want to cut what time (deadline)?Other:What about packaging design your other requirements ?Packaging design is a project, to be completed package instant communication with consumers , designers just one of them, the product manager is the main customer , the designer should market researcher , paper suppliers , color consultant , printing, bindery close collaboration . See the entire group members in close cooperation is the key to the success of the entire project .

Posted by: plasticpackaging at 01:57 AM | Comments (693) | Add Comment
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Barriers to the export of herbal packaging

Barriers to the export of vac tray herbal packagingDetails clamshell manufacturers Packaging: five thousand years of history of our plastic trays civilization has created a massive unique culture of Chinese medicine , is the world's largest production and use packaging design of natural medicines country . Passed down for thousands of years Chinese soup , cream , pill , Dan, scattered traditional forms of packaging, long in use paper bags cartons , glass bottles, plastic bags, cardboard packaging. China's production of herbal medicines are not only exported to Southeast Asia , Japan, Korea and other traditional areas, but in recent years, Europe and other developed countries direct import Chinese herbs , then deep processing , refined packaging, the high profits for ourselves . Insiders appeal , packaging has become one of the bottlenecks in Chinese exports.Drugs affecting the quality of packaging materialsAs the Chinese product packaging and decoration materials used up takes less than international market , the export of traditional Chinese medicine preparation process , often due to poor domestic medicine packaging does not meet the requirements of foreign markets , led to proprietary Chinese medicines shipped to foreign countries re -packing and packaging , so that foreign investors reap a high profit . As a complementary medicine packaging production process , a very important position . Compliance with our existing pharmaceutical packaging containers of more than 1,000 manufacturers , changing the medicine behind the package has been noticed from the past traditional Chinese medicine clamshell packaging soup , cream , pill , red , powder type , has turned into a medicine tablet, capsules , injections , oral liquid, pill new formulations , described shrunk.However , pharmaceutical packaging unreasonable remains a serious problem . Such as medicine capsules packaging, PVC packaging in order to reduce the cost of only the best is with PVDC, in fact, this packaging is not the quality of drugs , if the outside does not add a layer of packaging materials such as aluminum , it will be difficult ensure moisture retention of qualified within the validity period . The moisture will cause failure load difference , traits and other projects failed. Anomaly resulting package is mainly due to the emergence of domestic herbal industry is limited to packaging cost factors, can not choose a better packaging materials and printing processes. In recent years, due to increased demand for herbal medicines in the international market , causing prices to rise year after year Chinese medicine raw materials , coupled with Japan , South Korea, the equivalent impact of business on the domestic market in terms of medicine , so that domestic Chinese medicine shrinking profit margins , each Chinese medicine companies began to strictly control production costs, including product packaging sectors . It is reported that all their products in the export of Chinese medicine in the packaging and domestic sales of the same product , unless there are special requirements of foreign investors , which makes the export of traditional Chinese medicine products in a passive position in which neither the quality of play package of medicine mouth the protective effect was not any publicity to strengthen packaging of drugs , to further expand its exports .Non-standard packaging standardsLongdanxiegan ingredients containing aristolochic acid may cause kidney damage, the market selling " detoxifies capsule" containing rhubarb suspected due to long-term use can cause secondary constipation ...... medicine adverse reactions were frequently exposed. Insiders exclaimed , many adverse reactions , " piping " has endangered the safety of Chinese medicine " levee ." However , a very real and cruel problem is that many practitioners of Chinese medicine adverse reactions insiders are well aware , why can not write the drug instructions tell consumers ? Consumer's right to know how long it should be against it? Accordance Drug Administration Law, packaging clamshell in accordance with the provisions of pharmaceutical packaging must be labeled or printed along with generic names of drugs must be indicated on the instructions , labels or instructions , ingredients , manufacturer , approval plastic box number, batch number, production date , expiry date, indications or functions , usage , dosage , contraindications , side effects and precautions. It should be emphasized that the law on adverse drug reactions requirement is " must be stated ."Relevant authorities pointed out that traditional Chinese medicine industry on the whole is still in its infancy, did not realize the modernization of traditional Chinese medicine production production . Due to the complexity of the formulation or proprietary ingredient , the active ingredient of the medicine is no clear qualitative part . Lack of quantitative indicators, the lack of clear standards and norms active ingredient detection methods , resulting in medicine packaging and labeling is not standardized, pharmaceutical packaging did not meet international market standards, measurement unit package sizes , some packaging has long been prohibited by the international community , some packaging the units of measurement are still using "money " instead of the international generic " g " , while the packaging material is varied . To make our proprietary Chinese medicines are recognized by more countries , we must make our Chinese enterprises meet GMP requirements as soon as possible , trying to make the packaging as soon as possible and international standards , prompting more varieties of herbal products get exported "pass ."Lack of national characteristics packaging designAt present , China's pharmaceutical packaging in general is still relatively backward , mainly in the design of a single , flat. clear plastic packaging In addition to differ in color , many packaging text, graphics identical , prone to aliasing . Marketing experts point out that interactive personalized marketing has become the main mode of marketing , personalized consumer of pharmaceutical packaging design put forward higher requirements. High degree of homogeneity in the product today, the product packaging also has " the same shape " of the phenomenon, pharmaceutical packaging , not the fancy patterns of consumer concern , but their feelings are respected , whether the product affinity, whether embodied target group 's taste and lifestyle. Those delightful and plastic packaging have higher grade packaging , naturally favored. This requires the designer in the design of the packaging life depth , focusing on the human grasp of human nature . For example , light and easy to carry drugs travel package , lovely cartoon children's packaging and convenience of elderly patients with enlarged plastic packaging design font specification , which is conducive to consumer drug packaging embody the human humanity.Chinese medicine traditional Chinese medicine as a treasure , with a very rich cultural and historical heritage , when consumers buy medicine, largely in the purchase of a particular brand. When the brand established, enterprises should strengthen brand recognition and product packaging supporting publicity , enhance customer pvc tray manufacturer awareness of the effect of branded products. Thus there is an example of how to play both proprietary Chinese cultural characteristics, and problems in the text , graphics normative aspects of compliance with international pharmaceutical packaging needs . Prominent characteristics of herbal medicines like pattern , introduced the brand history of descriptive text and the best performance of Chinese traditional culture, calligraphy to decorate the name of the drug . These compared with the western most distinctive decorative design approach with the current laws related pharmaceutical packaging design , rules do not match , so how to find a medicine packaging design ideas and direction for establishing a genuine brand of plastic packaging box traditional Chinese medicine , traditional image further explore the international market , is essential.With the acceleration of international trade integration , pharmaceutical packaging to achieve a wider range of communication , the ability to recognize the world has become a part of corporate strategy contributed . However, the packaging design not for globalization and globalization , any non- isolated package design has its own traditional culture background. Only nation in the world , pharmaceutical packaging only with national colors , will be different.

Posted by: plasticpackaging at 01:56 AM | Comments (305) | Add Comment
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Foreign pharmaceutical packaging design concept of security

Foreign pharmaceutical packaging very seriously Child Safety (Baby Ssfe), so in the plastic packaging design of drugs , often will take into account whether the design of the packaging will impact the safety of children plastic box . Recently, the development of a company name "Faller" drug packaging, the packaging on the packaging line through the die opening , requires a certain effort to open the drawer , open the way so it is easy for an adult , and but for children, there is a lot more difficult, thus effectively avoiding the child mistakenly opened , eating situation . Because of this box once clamshell manufacturers opened packaging design , it is difficult to restore, to some extent, it is also packaging clamshell played a role in anti-theft , truly sets protection and security in one.In addition, the new foreign wallet blister packaging reflects the plastic packaging box greater emphasis on plastic packaging design humanity. clamshell packaging For those who take a long time to take medication regularly heart disease and other patients, clear plastic packaging this packaging is very appropriate, because you can add on their packaging chip, the chip is designed with certain procedures when patients forget to take medicine , the chip will automatically alert issued hum , remind patients to take medicine .As the plastic blister packaging moisture, moisture and light performance are better than double aluminum , aluminum plastic packaging, so double vac tray aluminum , aluminum plastic trays plastic packaging needs upward trend.In terms of security , in addition to the use of domestic pvc tray manufacturer common anti-counterfeiting technology and instructions on the box , many foreign drugs in the outer carton , manual, on the foil blister packs , have done a security .In addition to carton packaging and blister packaging , there are many new forms of packaging , such as an end with a circular sponge plastic bag, looks like a bottle of paper and plastic packaging , etc.

Posted by: plasticpackaging at 01:53 AM | Comments (935) | Add Comment
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Pharmaceutical packaging to communicate with consumers

Integrated Communication from the perspective of packaging design modern marketing methods proposed , pharmaceutical packaging products are not only strategic issues , it has become an irreplaceable means of promotion in the media . Consumer interest in the product , is largely dependent on the penetration of mass media widely , but can contribute to the final purchase , but also the key " finishing touches ." Package as the last hurdle to communicate with consumers , has a pivotal role . Companies need to communicate through the packaging of the carrier content of products , but also need to complete the final step of the communication through the packaging and consumers. Interactive personalized marketing is becoming the mainstream mode of marketing , personalized consumer of pharmaceutical packaging design put forward higher requirements. Consumers are not drawing attention to pharmaceutical packaging , nor fancy, but reflects the target group to see whether the packaging tastes and lifestyle. Those pleasing and have a higher quality of packaging, the acclaimed nature , which requires the designer in the design of the packaging life depth , focusing on the human grasp of human nature . Meanwhile, pharmaceutical products, but also noted as a special commodity has strict quality requirements , its packaging also have unique.1 , pharmaceutical packaging must first follow the relevant national policies and laws currently . By adjusting the industrial countries are policies and regulations on the pharmaceutical market and pharmaceutical manufacturers strict plastic packaging management and control.Pharmaceutical packaging is directly related to drugs and packaging materials compatibility, and the impact of pharmaceutical packaging materials during the storage stability of the drug . Drugs at the same time declared , it must be presented in the form of pharmaceutical packaging , pharmaceutical and packaging materials compatibility testing , quality standards of materials, vendor licenses and other information. Drug manufacturers must strictly follow the " Drug Administration Law" , the establishment of product packaging files, including : packaging , packaging material quality standards , inspection procedures , packaging materials and other providers .2 is a functional packaging pharmaceutical packagingPharmaceutical plastic trays Packaging is one of clamshell manufacturers the most complex type of packaging , for example : to make it easy to open, but also to prevent children from swallowing it. As packaging design experts said, to properly accomplish this comprehensive package design is very difficult. "You can design complete a consumer-friendly packaging, but it must be functional package ."How to meet its functionality ? First , there must be clear, descriptive of the product introduction . According to the particularity of drugs, packaging design, net content, use the date , identification number and so should be clearly marked in accordance with the regulations. According to the principle of priority patients , drug ingredients must be clearly marked on the drug packaging out , which requires packaging designers to try to put more information about the label on a limited package , and make sure the consumer is responsible plastic packaging design , so that consumers assured. In this process , the packaging has become an packaging clamshell important medium for the image , pvc tray manufacturer a direct reflection of the quality grade of goods, help to improve consumers' desire to buy. Secondly , humanity has infiltrated the packaging design. For example, in pharmaceutical packaging , child safety becomes a primary consideration . Therefore, the design must be considered in the packaging and food packaging is a clear distinction, to prevent children from swallowing it. Also, consider medication for frail people , such as the use of drugs to people suffering from arthritis can not be mounted on the use of lock -style bottle closures . This is described in the pharmaceutical packaging has attached great importance to humanity. Again , for the elderly and children designed with safety cap pharmaceutical packaging ; was oral with a measurement accuracy, easy to use measuring cups ; highlighted on the packaging , " the drug on children can not reach the place ," and clear plastic packaging so on , all of which bring plastic box patient medication safety information at the same time , also has recognized the effectiveness of consumer psychology .3 , the image of pharmaceutical packaging designFor historical and cultural reasons, China's pharmaceutical packaging design is relatively simple , plain , and many similar words similar pharmaceutical packaging , the color change only difference, plus name is not visible, it is easy to confuse . Because drugs are a special commodity , has dual properties of drugs and commodities. Therefore , pharmaceutical packaging design To follow the " Drug Administration Law" and relevant policies and regulations , we must also reflect the corporate image, improve design tastes, so get consumer recognition.Attention to packaging design, packaging design should also focus on the use of aesthetics and psychology . Design is a creative activity , rather than a simple color combinations. How to make a design looks balanced , eye-catching , gives a sense of beauty, which is the key to the use of aesthetics and psychology . To fully consider the use of drugs in the choice of colors , split combination layout , text and background pattern adjustment pattern on the pharmacological effects , attending functions and the patient's psychological experience and other factors.Drugs as a special commodity has strict quality requirements , the packaging also has its unique features, that distinguish it from the general health care food . Take the text on pharmaceutical packaging design , the designers have to adjust according to package size font, font size , character spacing, attention to detail treatment design. For health care professionals and users seem convenient, comfortable , focused and clear. Because even a little bit of negligence or deficiency can cause unsightly visual people , it is easy to make people distrust of medicine . Especially with non- prescription drugs can be sold in the supermarket plastic packaging box , consumers have a great self- selectivity. Therefore, non-prescription drugs packaging design , should pay attention to the quality of the layout and printing of color effects , publicity corporate image while enhancing consumer trust .Pharmaceutical packaging information conveyed targeted , persistence, reliability advantages. But the packaging itself also has many shortcomings , such as poor flexibility , less information dissemination slow speed . Therefore, pharmaceutical packaging design process , and comprehensive consideration to distinguish with other media features , flexible subtly choice, to a greater extent mining role of the media as a communication clamshell packaging package . Also, the performance of the corporate image through pharmaceutical packaging , completed communicate a deeper sense.In fact, the concept of competition among enterprises has been transformed into the image of the overall competitiveness of enterprises , import requirements CI corporate image can be expressed by way of packaging design . As a unique identifier , packing can do this. Since some form of pharmaceutical packaging seems too old, has become an obstacle to communicate with vac tray consumers , some new style of foreign products worth learning from. For example, a French perfume packaging, is in a clear plastic bag printed with the company logo. This package passed the connotation of the brand to consumers , " genuine ", and also led to the sales of similar branded products. Pharmaceutical packaging does not have to copy this approach , but the introduction of this concept is necessary . In fact , the expression of pharmaceutical drugs through corporate identity package design , not only conducive to the spread of the image of the pharmaceutical companies , pharmaceutical companies are also reducing the burden of advertising . But more important is the strengthening of consumer and social recognition of its brand in order to achieve a deep communication .With the acceleration of international trade integration process , requiring packaging design as much as possible to meet international standards , with global recognition. However, the packaging design not for globalization and globalization , any packaging design has its inalienable national traditional culture background. "Only . Nation is the world 's " packaging to embody ethnic style , theory and practice have different views , but as long as its fundamental purpose is to understand and consumers to communicate better in the packaging design process will not lose direction .

Posted by: plasticpackaging at 01:52 AM | Comments (841) | Add Comment
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As markets change how pharmaceutical packaging

Pharmaceutical packaging must first follow the relevant national laws and policiesPharmaceutical packaging compatibility performance is directly related to drugs and packaging materials , as well as affect the performance in the drug store packaging materials during the period of drug stability. Pharmaceutical packaging as an integral part , has been placed in front of somewhere , at the same time declared the current drug , it must be presented in the form of pharmaceutical packaging , compatibility testing drugs and packaging materials , materials, quality standards of materials . Material suppliers license and other information. All companies produce drugs such plastic packaging design as livelihood were built product packaging files, including : packaging , packaging materials used in quality standards , inspection procedures (SOP), packaging materials supplier archives .Pharmaceutical packaging image design concept of changePharmaceutical packaging design follows the Drug Administration Law and the relevant policies and regulations at vac tray the same time , how to reflect the corporate image, improve its design quality, confers mental recognition of its ability to get consumers are drugs with drugs and commodities should take into account the dual attributes the problem. Before the formation of pharmaceutical packaging design relatively simple , plain design framework , similar drugs in addition to the text , the only change plastic packaging box to the color difference, plus the name is not visible, it is easy to confuse . These compared with imports of pharmaceutical packaging and joint ventures both in the design, or for consumers to consider aspects of dwarfs . Advanced packaging promising drug safety design for the elderly and children with safety cover ; was oral with a measurement accuracy, easy to use measuring cups ; still highlighted on the packaging , " the drug on children can not reach the place ," and so on. All of these bring the patient medication safety information at the same time , also has recognized the effectiveness of consumer psychology . I saw other people 's strengths , identify their weaknesses, pharmaceutical companies for new product design , product packaging change old should solicit the market in the marketing department opinion , conditional planning can ask the company to do advertising image design . Hangzhou Minsheng recently an antiseptic disinfectant skin and mucous membranes in the design completely abandoned the usual stale design ideas, a new generation of highly sensory information , improved bottle liquid outlet size , when used to control the amount of drug , without contaminated fingers.How do OTC packagingOTC drug packaging should be scientific guidance for the purpose of medication to improve sales effectiveness . On this basis , the dose from drugs , psychological treatment , medication and other aspects demand for consumer convenience , medication safety considerations, packaging design and improvement , enhance corporate and product brand image, thus filling add additional requirements. In order to better improve the business impact , making people's livelihood has covered enterprises with a flagship brand of products with relevant work has packaging design paid implemented.Problems encountered and recommendationsOTC drugs currently included in the directory after the majority belong to the long-term clinical use , proven safe and effective , less toxic side effect of old varieties , according to the current relevant regulations shall apply clear plastic packaging for the use of such drugs " trade name ." And OTC drugs without a doctor's prescription clamshell manufacturers to the pharmacy counter drugs purchased directly . Patients which one to buy , what brand or manufacturers of drugs, mainly depends on five factors: advertising , efficacy , price , packaging and decoration . OTC drugs are a number of companies producing old products , promotional name drugs only , equal wedding dress for others , is not conducive to establish a brand image , so we must separate name and trade name drugs together propaganda to the public understanding. State Drug Administration recommends whether to declare the trade name at the right time , open OTC drugs.How to communicate in the pharmaceutical packagingFrom the integrated communication concept put forward by modern marketing perspective, pharmaceutical packaging has not only the problem of product strategy , it has become an irreplaceable promotion in the media . Consumer interest in the product , is largely dependent on the penetration of the mass media widely , but can contribute to the final purchase , but also the key finishing touches . Package as the last hurdle to communicate with consumers , has a pivotal role . Companies need to plastic trays communicate through the packaging of the carrier content of products , and consumers also need to complete the final step of the communication through the packaging .So how do we achieve better communication in the pharmaceutical packaging ?First, drug packaging whether humanity is the key.Interactive personalized marketing is becoming the mainstream mode of marketing , personalized consumer of pharmaceutical packaging design put forward higher requirements. High degree of homogeneity of today's products , product packaging also has " the same shape " of the phenomenon . Consumers are not drawing attention to pharmaceutical packaging , nor fancy, but see whether the packaging reflects the respect for people's feelings , whether affinity, whether the target group reflects the taste and lifestyle design. Those pleasing and have a higher quality of packaging , naturally favored. From this perspective , pharmaceutical packaging actually assumed the responsibility of psychotherapy , it is to reduce the psychological stress of patients , in addition to one-third of the drug to achieve the effect of disease. This requires the designer in the design of the packaging life depth , focusing on the human grasp of human nature .Second, a comprehensive analysis of pharmaceutical packaging to pack as media properties.Drug Package targeted, long-lasting and strong, strong performance, reliability advantages, make full use of . But the packaging itself also has many shortcomings , such as poor flexibility , less information dissemination slow speed . Therefore, pharmaceutical packaging design process takes into consideration flexible , clever choice. To make the final step in the packaging to communicate to specific populations , we must consider these and other media to distinguish the characteristics , so as to tap the packaging to communicate a greater extent as the role of the media .Third, the performance of the corporate image through pharmaceutical packaging, completed communicate a deeper sense.In fact, the concept of competition among enterprises has been transformed into the image of the overall competitiveness of enterprises , the inevitable requirement to import CI corporate image can be expressed by way of packaging design . As a unique identifier , packing can do this. Examples are a lot of pros and cons . OTC drug packaging is packaging drugs in the past , clearly show this deficiency . In the gradual counter medicines today, many forms of OTC medicines has become an obstacle appears to be too old to communicate with consumers. Should be more learn some new styles, such as a transparent plastic bag on the corporate brand logo printed , all of a French perfume packaging . This packaging to consumers connotation "genuine" , which also led plastic box to the sales of the brand connotation similar branded plastic packaging products. Pharmaceutical packaging does not have to copy these practices packaging clamshell , but the introduction clamshell packaging of this concept is necessary . In fact , the expression of corporate identity through packaging design , not only conducive to the spread of corporate image , but also reduce the burden on enterprises in advertising , more importantly, to strengthen consumer recognition of the pvc tray manufacturer society and its brand in order to achieve a deep communication .Fourth, pharmaceutical packaging to achieve a wider range of communication , the ability of global recognition of their ethnic style can not be ignored .With the acceleration of international trade integration process , which requires packaging design to meet international standards as far as possible , have the ability to worldwide recognition . However, the packaging design not for globalization and globalization , any packaging design can not be cut off which has its traditional culture background. " The only nation in the world ," packaging only with local color it was different, the cabinet was full of strong visual impact . Packing How to reflect ethnic style , theory and practice have different views , but as long as its fundamental purpose is to understand and more consumers to communicate better in the packaging design process will not lose direction .Views on pharmaceutical packaging design many here just to be explored from the perspective of non- design techniques . Pharmaceutical packaging vividly convey the accuracy of the information contained ? Meets consumer psychology ? Whether coordination and corporate image ? Whether they have the ability to recognize the world ? It is worth every enterprise managers thought-provoking questions , are so-called locked . The market is changing , the concept is changing, but no matter how they change, the same ultimate goal - to make our products sell well , let's play a role in promotional packaging .

Posted by: plasticpackaging at 01:51 AM | Comments (72) | Add Comment
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May 06, 2014

Small food packaging Storage Technology

Small Package Storage pvc tray manufacturerclamshell packaging chosen plastic traysplastic box 0.007 mm thick polyethylene film, made thermoforming packagingclear plastic packaging from 60 cm wide and plastic packaging 50 cm long plastic bags, each bag featured jujube 5 kg, pvc tray a suction hole located on the bag, out of the air bag plastic packaging boxes wholesalepackaging design sealed. Under normal conditions (storage temperature is vac packaging clamshell trayclamshell manufacturers 27 , relative humidity of 70% to 90%), can be stored for plastic packaging box nine months, the fruit plump, fleshy, color, flavor normal. Fresh frozen clam shells for sale fresh dates will be loaded inside a plastic bag, 1 plastic packaging design to 2 kg per bag, seal the package. Chilled with fresh dates to mining, on-demand, with the package, along with frozen storage. Temperature around -15 , keeping the frozen state after freezing at 0 condition. Need to do to recover frozen jujube processing library, upcoming frozen jujube soak in cold water for about 30 minutes, you can freeze dates restitution and maintain the unique flavor of fresh dates.

Posted by: plasticpackaging at 08:38 AM | Comments (322) | Add Comment
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Application of new technologies dairy packaging

First, new technology, new materials used in the packaging of dairy Throughout new technologies, new materials continue to emerge, many of which can be applied to the dairy packaging. 1. Flexographic printing, though started late, but development is unusually fast. According to statistics, the U.S. domestic market share in flexo printing in the field of flexible packaging accounted for 70%, and accounted for 85% of label printing field, in the field of corrugated boxes accounted for 90%. This is the advantage of plastic trays flexographic printing dictates. And gravure compared it to the plate not only reduces costs, shortens the cycle, but the image quality is almost the same; and offset compared not only greatly increase the types of substrates, but also solve the problem of chromatic aberration offset. In particular, non-toxic plastic packaging design water-based ink used in flexographic printing, gravure and offset printing is unmatched. All printing inks flexo ink is only approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Association, a non-toxic ink, so it is widely used in food and dairy packaging printing. Such as; printed corrugated box, printed plastic flexible packaging, printing and dairy composite packaging materials, Tetra Pak, Tetra pillow printing and label printing. Both environmentally-friendly and practical. 2. Nano-PET applications, the application of nanotechnology in vac tray the field of packaging, though pvc tray manufacturer just started, but has attracted people's attention. Zhejiang, a company recently developed a functional nanoscale breathable polyethylene film, with special features breathable impervious. Polyethylene terephthalate (PET) is an excellent overall performance polymer materials, has been widely applied in the field, such as fibers and plastics. But because PET crystallization rate Slow, low heat distortion temperature, poor processing performance characteristics, limiting its widespread application in non-fiber areas. Nano PET using a high yield of inorganic layered silicate mineral, the successful development of packaging clamshell nanocomposite PET resin, because of its unique molecular structure itself, the heat resistance than the commercially available PET resin has a greatly improved. Has also developed a unique nano-PET production processes, process route scientific innovation, and can greatly reduce the cost to the stability of product quality assurance more fully, completely different from the ordinary blending modified nano-PET, with wide range of applications available for use with beer and creamer packaging. 3. Milk packaging will be green packaging, plastic packaging containers due to the pollution problem, the development trend of paper packaging containers packaging design are: forming a molded container will gradually replace the current paper containers Die portfolio; deep plastic thermoforming packaging coating technology to gradually replace the past wax; composite technology has become an important technique developed paper containers; CAD and CAM systems will make paper packaging container design and manufacturing cycle shortened. Moreover, sales of packaging containers and transport containers boundaries gradually disappear. These new technologies are applied to the packaging of milk. Recently, many countries are actively developing new packaging, such as bottles QLF developed by the United States, its antioxidant capacity of 3-10 times higher than ordinary PET bottles, moisture capacity increased 2-fold, to microwave heating. Applies to the current PET recycling process. Bottle with oxygen function, can keep the milk from 3-4 months to 4-6 months. Germany has also introduced a tool clamshell manufacturers Kai bottle, designed for the frail elderly and patients design, and special caps automatically juice content. 4. Now the market can often see the "mother packing", which is on the outside Bulk engage a small package. Small package where customers enjoy free food, the packaging is available for customers to buy. This will not only convenient for customers, increased factory revenue, why not? Addition, the company introduced a package of Shantou insulation convenient bowl, which is designed to take full account of the same ideas the vital interests of consumers. As another example, transparent and windows packaging, easy to open packaging, spray packaging, vacuum packaging, antimicrobial packaging, etc., are all milk packaging options. In short, the customer plastic box is God, only to be recognized clear plastic packaging by the customer's packaging, is the success of the packaging. 5. The new liquid milk dairy packaging material of this new packaging material made primarily from natural chalk, there is little impact on the environment. Chalk is widely distributed in the world, its extraction without any chemical process. Production of energy consumption, and ultimately made the packaging is very easy to recycled. This material has been applied to many sound companies Ecolean packaging solutions, such as the liquid milk food packaging and heat sealable film lid. Packaging systems to meet the growing consumer demand for environmentally friendly packaging. Second, nano-antibacterial, preservation, application packaging liquid milk 1. Nano inorganic antibacterial agents: MOD series of high-performance inorganic antibacterial nano nanotechnology leaders are milk, beverage aseptic clamshell packaging packaging of a novel composite inorganic antimicrobial packaging materials, based on the activity of genes and MOD inorganic nano silver antimicrobial compounds as clam shells for sale the main ingredient to inorganic antibacterial powder as a carrier of various inorganic materials made of. The antibacterial materials prepared from high-tech nanotechnology, change the 'factory pure silver, copper, zinc and other metal ions for the production process, the antibacterial mechanism of antimicrobial active ingredient of the traditional antimicrobial agent and an optical catalytic metal ions, has a strong long effective antibacterial function, antibacterial rate plastic packaging boxes wholesale of 99.9%, completely solve the inorganic antimicrobial packaging materials in the application of color worldwide problem. Is a broad-spectrum antimicrobial effects of non-toxic, can be widely used in the production of milk, beverages and other antibacterial products composite packaging. 2. Advantages of nano-antibacterial liquid milk packaging applications preservation of high performance inorganic nano-antibacterial agent MOD application of its apparent strength in the liquid milk packaged in various forms, especially injection molding grade (extrusion grade) antimicrobial masterbatch, General Purpose (superfine) fiber antimicrobial masterbatch additives and machine as antibacterial coating solution most convenient usage effectiveness. Aseptic packaging of liquid milk is the rise in recent years, new packaging, preservation, and its antibacterial broken bags have high strength requirements. People know that plastic bags of milk - like only save three days. If modified with nano-antibacterial agent PE (polyethylene) PP (polypropylene) film packaging of milk, can effectively inhibit and kill E. coli, Staphylococcus aureus, etc., to prevent the growth of various microorganisms, extended shelf life under the same conditions to more plastic packaging than eight days, in line with plastic packaging box national health standards, other milk aseptic packaging containers also extend the shelf life can get more than double the effect. 3. Packaging for milk, aroma barrier is very important, oxygen is blocked, perishable contents. Nano-antibacterial film than the average film, the oxygen barrier properties can be increased by 3-5 times. Add high activity of nano silver ion antimicrobial function, shelf life and can greatly extend the shelf life of dairy products. The modified milk packaging also get unexpected results, the heat distortion temperature, tensile and flexural properties are greatly improved, more than pvc tray two bags of milk is only half the size of an adult can stand on without breaking, and truly become unbreakable milk bags, and nano-film composite membrane cheaper price than aluminum, but its gas barrier several times higher. Looking at the domestic liquid milk in the form of sterile aseptic packaging cardboard packaging, aseptic cup packaging, aseptic big bag, sterile plastic bags and sterile plastic bottle packaging. Aseptic packaging of liquid food packaging in developed countries the proportion is over 65%. Thus, the development of nano-antibacterial liquid milk packaged in aseptic packaging technology have a good prospect.

Posted by: plasticpackaging at 08:37 AM | Comments (291) | Add Comment
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Canned and a new approach

Flexible packaging materials used in meat canning food packaging Currently, commonly used in meat canning food packaging flexible packaging materials plastic packaging boxes wholesale are cooking bag. Commercial sterility after high-temperature sterilization, long-term preservation at room temperature can be packaged foods. The packaging material is a composite of two, three or more layers of different substrate materials made in recent years, the rise of a new form of packaging in canned food, especially meat canning packaging design food packaging. Cooking bags made with canned food as meat packing, compared plastic packaging design with traditional metal cans of, has clear plastic packaging the following advantages: 1. Light weight packaging materials and containers, integrated packaging costs, easy to carry and store, easy to open when the production of sealing and food; 2 Because the composite flexible packaging materials used in plastic packaging soft canned small thickness, heat and fast, making sterilization and cooking time is shorter than the equivalent capacity of metal cans, can make food from over packaging clamshell cooking, to reduce the loss of nutrients, maintain the original flavor, and can save energy; 3. Canned soft storage period is longer (up to 12 months under normal temperature), some soft canned food in storage, transportation and sales process without refrigeration; 4. Packaged food is heated again when cooking, you can maximize the flavor of preventing plastic box loss; 5. clamshell manufacturers Can effectively save transportation costs and storage space, to a pvc tray manufacturerplastic trays certain extent, reduce production costs and increase the competitiveness of their products. 6. Food and packaging containers built between side clam shells for sale effects and less impact than metal cans, no metallic taste and other thermoforming packaging pollution; Canned soft there are obvious shortcomings, such as low-intensity packaging container can easily be pierced; shelf life better than metal cans and glass vac tray jars long; low production capacity. Currently, the country's plastic packaging box soft canned meat canning market is still not dominant but it has good prospects for development. With the development of retort pouch packaging and related technologies, in addition to high-temperature cooking containers bagged form, there has pvc tray been other forms of packaging containers, such as co-extruded multi-layer sheet structure of clamshell packaging packaging containers. Such containers are generally different from the multi-layer film structure cooking bag material, the use of a composite multi-layer coextrusion method plastic sheet produced through vacuum or pressure thermoforming thermoforming into various forms of packaging containers. This container can be used for sterilization microwave and electric resistance furnace, large structural variations, such as the goblet, trays, bottle-shaped, tubular, etc.

Posted by: plasticpackaging at 08:37 AM | Comments (1417) | Add Comment
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Butter packaging features

The high fat content of the cream is that it is prone to deterioration and contamination of the main reasons. It is very easy due to the oxidation and rancidity , it is very easy to absorb odors in the surrounding environment . Cream habit using glass bottles and polystyrene containers plastic packaging box , polyethylene / Aluminum composite material as a sealing material. plastic trays UHT cream can also be used aseptic processing clamshell packaging and packaging. In daily sales , the majority of plastic containers of cream and heat-sealed with a polyethylene / Aluminum Composites . Requires oxygen barrier and moisture resistant.Butter packagingButter ingredients which vary according to different manufacturers. However, according to legal standards , the moisture content of butter should not exceed 16% , 1% protein , 0.4% lactose , milk ash 0.15% , and the number plastic packaging design of different salts . Due to the high water content of the butter , easily lead to the propagation of mold . The natural color of the butter depends carotene and milk fat globules . Butter cream flavor is generated by bacterial fermentation . Despite fermentation, but to make butter to produce a special flavor . To control the packaging design aroma and taste of butter to prevent improper fermentation and deterioration, plus the choice should be properly fermented and fermented microbial agent type .Butter manufacturing process, the separation of milk , cream and stirring until the destruction of the structure of the emulsion , i.e. the fat in the original oil in water [ water ) emulsion system becomes water in the fat emulsion (oil in water) . Milk and cream varieties and purity should be properly added choice , is an important factor affecting the quality of the butter . Subject to aging cream ( fermentation ) , the conversion process to complete the fragrance . But the heat of the cream but it will affect the clam shells for sale mixing, but its not as sweet milk, butter shelf life long , because the acidic fermented catalytic metal will accelerate , prompting the oxidation of fat .Butter packaging is mainly required to protect its Xiangzhu , organization , appearance, moisture and color. Airtight package is very important, not only to protect Buzhi Yu lost its flavor , but also packaging clamshell to counteract odor pollution outside , because the butter can easily absorb foreign odors . Since the characteristics of the emulsion of butter , which are particularly vulnerable to fat oxidation and rancidity occurs . On plant machinery and equipment residual trace metal ions , will give the butter with the "fishy " taste . Butter parchment packaging commonly used aluminum foil / parchment paper or aluminum foil and greaseproof paper wrapping composite materials . Brittle parchment , should contain more than 9 % moisture , and kept free of dust , humidity of 50 % to 80% clean place . If plastic packaging boxes wholesale too thousand dry, brittle parchment would easily rupture the packaging . Conversely, if plastic box too wet , can easily grow mold, pollution butter. Although parchment oil, but still permeable to oxygen , will be its translucent light, easy to promote the oxidation of butter . Care for long-term preservation of fat packaging aluminum foil composite is still the safest . However , aluminum foil and plastic film composite material is not ideal , as most air-permeable pvc tray plastic film , resulting in loss of butter flavor , and good oil resistance . Preferably an aluminum foil / paper composite, paper reinforcing purposes only , can reduce the thickness of the aluminum foil , while the paper machine to improve the mechanical packaging process operation performance. European countries generally adopt foil / parchment composite packaging butter.Margarine packagingMargarine packaging requirements are both protective functions: protection products in clear plastic packaging the transportation, storage and use of the process from contamination , mainly to prevent microbial contamination , and must have oxygen barrier , moisture , oil and keep the flavor of the product; packaging should have vac tray sales appeal and convenient for consumers to use.Margarine ( and other fats such as lard , etc. ) small package usually parchment , greaseproof paper or aluminum foil / parchment , foil / greaseproof paper and other composite materials for packaging. Packaging materials shall be subject to fine print decorating clamshell manufacturers design, it has a strong sales temptation. Packed margarine generally use pvc tray manufacturer paper or aluminum foil box packaging plastic composite materials . Recent popular use various plastic boxes as polyvinyl chloride, polystyrene , acrylonitrile -butadiene- styrene copolymer. System box to take the heat molding process , the production efficiency and cost more than the injection molding plastic packaging itself thermoforming packaging worthwhile . There is also co-extruded plastic boxes and paper / plastic composite material boxes for packaging margarine. Cover most of the use made ??of PVC . Printing filled plastic lid on the legal description should include ingredients such as , product names and trademarks and other content. If the request is more perfect, plastic box wrapped in a layer on the outside as the outer paper sleeve , be filled with the same paper sleeve design , fully illustrated products , promotional products , in order to expand sales.Margarine is mainly used for pasta baked foods. Small package is required for the home , 10 ~ 15kg. A package of pasta bake supply manufacturers and canteens wants. Bulk cans and boxes can be used (metal cans and cartons ) , filled with a simpler design . It should be noted that if margarine exposed to air at 40 50 temperature is only a few days will oxidative deterioration .

Posted by: plasticpackaging at 08:36 AM | Comments (572) | Add Comment
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Grabbed from packaging to food safety

In recent years, significantly improved the quality of our food safety , food packaging products but there is a serious safety hazard. Reporters learned from the packaging design annual meeting of the Guangdong Packaging packaging clamshell Technology Association, noted plastic trays that plastic packaging box China will strengthen the certification and pvc tray accreditation of food packaging products , the second half of this year, China will implement mandatory food packaging product certification management system , namely QS food packaging products market access system. The industry believes that the certification will be our food packaging products companies to implement the first mandatory certification system for market access , its impact on food packaging manufacturers have a significant impact is expected to have 1 /3 of the enterprises will be eliminated delisting.It is understood that in pvc tray manufacturer recent years , from food packaging bags ( film ) products to the carcinogenic PVC cling film , disposable snack to the nearest toxic bottles, serious problems were found in health and safety aspects of packaging materials and printing inks. According to the plastic packaging boxes wholesale China Association for Plastic Recycling Plastic Dong Jinshi , vice president of special committee introduced since last year , the state of food packaging, safety and environmental certification is mainly carried out in containers for a variety of food packaging / container products , including plastic products, paper products composite packaging, metal packaging , ceramic packaging and other 21 categories of 139 kinds of products. This year , the state will introduce mandatory certification standards QS food packaging industry and the implementation of rules, where the certification will thermoforming packaging take the lead in the food and beverage industry, plastic packaging , paper packaging and composite packaging products to implement . It plastic box is understood that the current domestic plastic food packaging ( including containers, tools ) accounted for about 30% of the packaging of food , but of plastic food packaging, food packaging accounts for the share is rising , its speed plastic packaging to more than paper food packaging, and therefore plastic food packaging products certification is currently the clamshell packaging focus of certification . Dong Jinshi believe that this is the plastic packaging design first clamshell manufacturers time the implementation of market access for food packaging compulsory certification system , is expected to have 1 / 3 Enterprise is easy to obtain certification , 1/ 3 Enterprise passed through certification to strengthen management and technological innovation , but more companies will Sancheng facing closure or conversion .According to reports, the AQSIQ specific rules on food packaging products currently implementing QS certification is being developed and is expected to be formally implemented beginning in the second half . Dong Jinshi think , QS vac tray certification of food packaging products, our association will be clear plastic packaging referring to the latest standards of food and packaging materials . It is , at present , China's mandatory regulations on food and its packaging materials ( plastic ) includes two, one "Food Sanitation Law " and the other is for plastic products ' consumption of plastic products and raw food health management approach . "According clam shells for sale to another report , China's PVC food wrap the new standard is currently being developed in the tension , the relevant departments have been established in China last year, the Food Standards Agency , specializing in food packaging standards be revised. Industry insiders estimate that the standard is expected to wrap by the end of the introduction .

Posted by: plasticpackaging at 08:36 AM | Comments (124) | Add Comment
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