May 04, 2014

Plastic products industry : the situation to pick up signs stable trend

According to the analysis , 2012 plastic ( 10445,75.00,0.72 % ) smooth processing industry overall situation of the economy , showed a warming trend .In terms of production and sales : in 2012 , China's industrial output and production of plastic products , steady sales value growth , was clamshell boxes warming trend . According to the National Bureau of Statistics data show that 1- December , plastics enterprises above designated size increased by a total industrial output value of 15.04% . Compared with the previous year , the growth rate dropped by 12.5 percentage points clam shells for sale , the growth rate is slowing down . Realize an annual sales value grew 14.95% , sales rate of 98.17% , higher than the 0.13 percent in 2011 , to continue to maintain a high level of sales rate . Production areas , 2012 to complete the production of plastic products increased by 8.99 percent . Agricultural film which grew 7.74% , an increase of 23.13 percent foam ; leather, synthetic leather rose 15.55 percent , an increase of 14.43 percent of household plastic , other plastics grew 7.26% , in addition to household plastic , leather, synthetic leather , foam plastics and last year clear plastic box grew more than 10 %, and other products rose varieties are less blister packs packaging than packaging boxes wholesale 10% , of which agricultural plastic film and other plastic products, the lowest growth rate , respectively, compared with the same period last year dropped by 6.75 and 21.33 percentage points.Import and export trade : the second half of 2012 , foreign trade clear plastic box packaging situation plastics industry to pick up signs . According to Customs statistics show that in January- December , the National Plastics export value growth of 16.55% over the previous year , of which export volume increase of 5.79% over the same period last year ; exports grew 24.55% , higher than the exports of China's foreign trade growth in 2012 (7.9% ) 16.65 percent, exports grew warmer. Exports accounted for about 23.91% over the same plastic packaging box period the country 's total output of plastic products , showing the importance of export markets in the entire industry. 2012 , China's plastic products basically meet the domestic market demand, resulting in plastic products import growth continued to decline . January-December , the National Plastics imports decreased by 3.46 percent than the same period last year ; imports fell by 0.46%.

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