April 10, 2014

Modern Gift Packaging Technology

A German philosopher Ernst Cassirer more on the ontological sense that: who is the symbolic animal. color box packaging Human need to communicate with each other in their class activities, mutual understanding , then what is the mechanism of this medium of communication and understanding are ? Nutshell , symbol. We live everywhere symbols thermoform trays - language , painting, music, text , concepts behind the words included , and even other people's lifestyles and activities related to the exchange of knowledge in a variety of people to the concept of inheritance , all can be attributed to the symbol category , that is the real world things are reflected in each person's spiritual world, are likely to be symbolic .Symbol of a traditional gift behaviorBehavior is a form of symbolic gifts behavior itself is an expression of symbols , gift aid actors to convey their own thing to the audience thinking process and conclusions , to communicate social relations ; in other words , the audience is also through actions and actors gifts matter , as evidenced by their own experience and ultimately understand actors want to express thoughts and feelings. It can be said that the symbol is a tool to express thoughts blister sealing and feelings .Acts as a symbolic gift of behavior , especially in the traditional life penetration behavior in everyday life has a certain breadth and depth. It is full of life and there is a structural related content . In Chinese society, for example in a person's life , and social aspects of their life and family will be the level of people to generate contacts in the community have geopolitical relations industry edge , a relationship by blood, kinship in the family , in his each life occasions , festivals every age , in every social class have a gift for every different social objects and are accompanied by a different gift form, content , numbers, colors, greetings and even auspicious symbols behavior rules. From birth to the end of his life were spent in the accompanying gifts under the customs . Visible gift behavior is not accidental , individual phenomenon, but stable , universal, there are a lot of social life phenomenon, but also a dynamic symbol.2 traditional gift behavior in everyday life performanceIn Chinese custom, gift etiquette formed a fairly complete system behavior , since ancient times have continued along with the daily life of all walks of life . There are most commonly seen in the age of the gift , the gift of life rituals , interpersonal gifts and so on.( 1 ) age giftsSpring , summer, autumn festival , Cisui , different season has different gifts . Tomb Sweeping Day, Dragon Boat Festival, Mid-Autumn Festival , Double Ninth Festival , New Year's Eve , people with spring plate, clever dumplings, moon cake , Chongyang cakes, wine, pepper and other gift-giving age , the age of festivals throughout the year to become clamshell blister distributed in each period of one gift .( 2 ) the gift of life ritualsBorn , married , have children , have become a year-round gift of life rituals four intensive areas . People with various " points of pain ceremony" , "birth ceremony" , with red eggs gift Annunciation, with brown sugar , hen congratulations have children ; betrothal betrothal gifts when ; There are a variety of keepsake gifts Valentine's mutual love ; married night, with red dates , peanuts , longan and other objects and bless the couple with gifts Hershey early Takako ; life getting old , the longevity birthday , the younger generations have gifts congratulations ; when the elderly end of life , then there are a variety of gifts to pay tribute to the deceased and ceremony funeral is soothing .( 3 ) interpersonal giftsGifts between neighbors : gift among students : gifts between teachers and students ; employer's business activities gifts : gifts between colleagues and so on. All of these age gift, a gift of life rituals , interpersonal gifts, constitute a complete system of gifts has become an act of symbols.Inheritance and gift wrapping gifts 3 modern behavior3.1 Status of modern gift wrappingIn the course of people's choice of goods , there is a development based on the needs of people and goods are up more and more attention , and that is gift wrap. As one of the important medium of modern interpersonal , social value of gifts is playing a subtle change , there is a foundation of social psychology . In contemporary urban life, interpersonal relations greatly indifference, the focus of social interaction between people related by blood , geopolitical and turn to science or industry, geographical edge , under such psychological background , need gift exchanges have increased significantly .As people demand a lot of gifts , gift packaging design has also been a corresponding development , including the development of the processing , packaging materials , means of transport , such as technical direction , but also on people's gifts and social psychology and social views of development , people's concept of gift wrap in " wasteful , cumbersome packaging " impression is gradually changing .On the one hand lead to the development of the industry gifts gift wrap specialized hand and make gift wrap gradually become part of the gift itself. People with the gift itself is not packaging boxes wholesale just a function of the material to express their feelings, but also help to strengthen your own gift wrap emotion . At this time, gift wrap and gift it has been to unify their own purposes directly , and it is not a gift of the subsidiary , and become an important part of the gift . First from its original function , into a "communication liaison relationships " for the primary , which is its first purpose , China has an old saying : . " Trinidad send goose , brotherhood ceremony of light weight" shows very clearly the two the only link between the relationship and mutual differences .The relationship between behavior and modern 3.2 Traditional gifts gift wrappingCustoms of gift has a very regular patterns of social behavior , with the unwritten convention . Different social strata behavior patterns for gifts and gift material requirements are not the same. Because these rituals of modern social life caused a large demand for gifts , the formation of a consumer culture . Traditional gifts gift behavior is the development of modern historical conditions , cultural foundation also gift wrap design.In the modern social communication behavior , always accompanied by a different gift etiquette , these behaviors makes people thing - a lot of demand for gifts and gift different behavior depending on the mode of gifts and gift packaging itself is also different requirements . In the primary , " interpersonal communication and contact ," the premise of modern gift wrapping , gifts We study the behavior and structural characteristics of the symbol , its presence in the social life of the people of the convention system, and gifts are gifts of people with mental and physiological needs to be considered in the form of gift packaging design . Traditional gifts gift packaging design for modern behavior provides one platform gift psychological needs of consumers .3.3 -fedInspiration gifts behavior of modern gift packaging designMaking gift packaging design, designed to be positioned accurately , what we need is the result of painstaking efforts , the right packaging, rather than an expensive luxury " laminated packaging ." Mainly based on the regulatory requirements are clear and gifts gift behavioral approach behavior during positioning design. What kind of gift behavior to decide what kind of gift to send . Gift packaging directly affect the realization of the value of gift exchanges .3.3.1 positioning accuracy gift packaging designPositioning gift packaging design are mainly sold to product positioning and orientation .( 1 ) Product PositioningMainly refers to varieties of positioning, product positioning characteristics , use of product positioning, product quality positioning. Product positioning and gift behavior and location of the object itself, time has a direct relationship. So in gift packaging design, positioning is very important properly designed , it mainly refers to the transmission of information to choose from. Such as product quality positioning, it is divided into low- grade . Grade product positioning products mainly to distinguish between the good low -end products , mainly middle and low commodity packaging production should take into account the issue thermoforming packaging of cost , to the extent possible to achieve good products, low cost, in order to avoid unnecessarily increase consumer burden , but as a gift packaging , packaging design , even middle and low , can not be crudely : high-end product packaging to be just the right grade status in the performance of its effect on the outside of the package to meet the spiritual and aesthetic needs of consumers, but also to prevent too luxury.( 2 ) consumer orientationMainly refers to the gift packaging design plastic packaging boxes wholesale to fit a certain level of consumers can not ignore the diversity of needs of consumers. Consumers should consider when making positioning positioning social class and consumption areas : psychological factors as well as the positioning of the consumers themselves . Positioning accuracy gift wrapped in gift behavior can effectively realize the value of such a gift package was adapted to the needs of the market .

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