May 04, 2014

PET bottle plastic bottle controversy renewed antimony containing carcinogens

Recently, plastic bottles storm breaks out, said bottle PET ( polyester ) materials contain carcinogenic heavy metals antimony, many of whom are well-known brands , such as Coca-Cola, Niulanshan Erguotou , Fortune cooking oil and so on. The bottle HDPE ( high-density polyester ) and PP ( polypropylene ) material is not detected antimony .However , China Beverage Industry Association wrote that the detection method they used was not specified in the national standard method , while the published data did not identify the unit , not a scientific, not as a basis to determine whether the product is qualified . China Beverage Industry Association also pointed out that plastic food packaging containers used in the production of antimony catalyst production process has been widely used and recognized around the world , including China 's .For now, antimony remains in a plastic bottle in is real , but the antimony residues harmful to health if inconclusive , research institutions have also divergent views, this plasticizer incident just happened last time when liquor quite similar . According to the reporter , PET packaging its previous liquor plasticizer storm also broke clear plastic box the high temperatures will precipitate plasticizing agent . Studies have shown that , PET can heat to 70 , but the use of more than 10 months, it may be released DEHP and other plasticizers, plasticizers heating possibility undoubtedly also contribute to precipitation . In other words , antimony affected by factors such clear plastic box packaging as temperature and beverages nature , will slowly move to the costumes, drink bottles go .Antimony can irritate the eyes, nose , throat and skin , continuous exposure can damage the heart and liver function, inhalation of high levels of antimony and antimony can cause poisoning symptoms include vomiting, headaches, breathing difficulties , severe cases may die. While inhaling too much antimony contracted lung cancer cases has yet to appear, but not rule out the potential danger to the human body.September 2002 in accordance with the provisions of the World Health Organization , and the date of the antimony content in water intake should be less packaging boxes wholesale than 0.86 mg / kg per day . Japan limited PET bottle antimony content should be less than 200ppm, used for hot filling drinks , disable PET bottles containing antimony . EU regulations, the antimony content in food should be less than 20ppb, environmentally friendly PET fiber grade antimony content of not more than 260ppm.Experts, high temperature , acidic ( alkaline ) drinks, long term storage, these are the factors that promote the transfer of antimony from the packaging to the beverage . If the dress is acidic blister packs packaging substances, antimony easier to accelerate precipitation . To stay away plastic packaging box from " Antimony " harm , drink as much as possible PET packaging acidic ( alkaline ) beverages, while paying attention to choose from close to the production date , good storage conditions of the product . It should be noted , do not re-use PET bottle material is best not to install hot water, buy PET packaging after long-term storage and clam shells for sale do not drink , should be consumed as soon as possible .Technological processes and the overall management of the domestic beverage packaging companies are behind the rapid development of the food packaging industry , increased competition, raise standards , raw material price increases, profit making companies drastically reduced malpractice exposure management under external pressure. The scale of China 's beverage packaging business is uneven, the lack of effective monitoring of production quality , disorderly market competition significantly , leading to a continued decline in the profits of the entire industry .At present , the domestic beverage packaging business to import Japanese and Korean production equipment mainly due to the limitation of domestic machinery clamshell boxes investment scale and technical level , only at the secondary position , the majority of SMEs as the main target . Production environment is equally bleak , except for a twenty -renowned enterprises have built GMP workshop and waste water , waste gas treatment facilities outside most of the production workshop supporting imperfect .

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