April 18, 2014

Comparison of domestic and foreign pharmaceutical blister packaging

Blister packaging is one of the main forms of pharmaceutical packaging , the packaging industry practice known as PTP . With the domestic pharmaceutical industry continues to grow , PTP packaging has been to develop , by the end of 2002, to get a clear plastic packaging registration card PTP aluminum foil drug packaging production enterprises has reached 39 , with a total production capacity of over 400 tons , PTP product has come out country.PTP aluminum foil from the original double-sided or single-sided printing blank varieties , developed to Single Gold Series Gold Series double-sided , single-sided color series , two-sided color series , two-sided printing monochrome or multicolor overprint series of dozens of varieties, a hard PTP aluminum foil, aluminum foil PTP also soft ; development of domestic base into packaging design a bubble is gradually formed, PVC rigid sheet from the most widely used , the PVDC ( polyvinylidene chloride ) coated tablets, from composite PVC / PE ( polyethylene ) plastic sheet to cold forming aluminum composite sheets, so pharmaceutical packaging more optional.Comparative and future direction of foreign productsEuropean and American countries, pharmaceutical packaging has been the representative of the advanced level , regardless of their production, packaging equipment or PTP packaging materials, has formed a series , automation and functional. This paper compares different blister packaging products.1 , aluminum foil blister packagingPTP aluminum foil can be divided according to use touch broken aluminum foil , aluminum foil and peel peel - touch broken aluminum foil ; from a hard material of aluminum , soft aluminum , composite materials ; from the functional point with security foil , Child protection foil, aluminum foil child safety and convenience for the elderly , special protective foil and so on.Foil tactile broken : the most widely used aluminum foil cover may be rigid or may be soft , thickness of 15m to 30m, the basic structure of a protective layer / aluminum foil / heat seal layer, and PVC, PP ( polypropylene ), PET ( polyester ), PS ( polystyrene ) and PE ( polyethylene ) and other composite materials, sealing the blister cover , has a very good air tightness.Peel aluminum foil : aluminum foil peel airtight foil- break contact with essentially the same , the difference between the substrate and its heat seal strength is not too easy and only opened foil manufactured using a soft composite material, The basic structure plastic trays of the paper / PET / AL / sealing layer ; PET / AL / sealing layer ; paper / AL / sealing layer , the heat seal strength is no minimum value requirements , suitable for child-resistant packaging as well as those afraid of pressure packaging items.Peel - Touch broken aluminum foil : These packages are mainly used to protect children's safety , but also easy to open the elderly. Way is to peel open PET or paper / PET composite film of aluminum foil , and then touch the broken foil obtain drugs , the basic structure: Paper / PET / special glue / AL / sealing layer , PET / special glue / AL / sealing layer , the United States and Germany, most of blister packaging requires child-resistant packaging .Security Foil: In addition to positioning sided overprint bit outside foil , aluminum foil surface printing, coating , transfer of specific substances or machined aluminum foil itself a special form of PTP aluminum foil, aluminum foil is generally known as anti-counterfeiting , anti-counterfeiting printing ink can be divided into general laser holographic anti-counterfeiting , anti-counterfeiting labels and layout security , so that the interests of pharmaceutical companies get some protection .Special foil : These foil is mainly used for special items of packaging , not only can effectively protect the packaged goods covered , while the aluminum foil itself is not related substances corrode and damage the packaging of these related substances such as acids , alkalis, and easy and other plastic box volatiles . The basic structure of the protective layer / AL / special coating / sealing layer, a protective layer / AL / barrier layer / heat seal layer .Our PTP aluminum foil, pharmaceutical packaging in a form that is basically only touch broken aluminum foil , aluminum foil while counterfeit products do not diversify , special foil only packaging boxes wholesale a breakthrough in one or two areas , children's protective foil, convenient for the clamshell packaging elderly aluminum foil, and two face -bit positioning overlay foil , etc., is basically blank , requiring manufacturers to adapt to the plastic packaging design situation PTP , learn from foreign advanced technology and equipment to improve business processes , to keep up with PTP aluminum foil packaging trends, future PTP aluminum foil, the to develop multi-functional, diverse and environmentally friendly production direction .2 , blister packaging material into the bubbleIn our country is still widely used as a foaming PVC rigid sheet material today, Europe has in many ways to restrict or prohibit the use of PVC, PVC main reason is harmful to the environment and have an impact on , and PVC barrier is not very satisfactory abroad have to use more of the following material as a foam substrate and the production process of these materials is quite mature.PET: barrier properties, transparency , resistance to bacterial , preferably cold , better adaptability to processing , low toxicity , beneficial drugs protected preservation.PP: good transparency , good barrier properties , non-toxic , good processing adaptability, can be recycled .PE: good barrier properties , good transparency , non-toxic , processing and better adaptability , can be recycled .COC: first developed in Japan cyclic olefin copolymer -like , with very good sealing performance , but their easily broken , so often associated with PP composite in order to facilitate the shape remains , but also with ALCAR complex , COC can now majority heat on high performance molding equipment.ALCAR composites: the use of new materials by copolymerizing the homopolymer , the material does not adhere to the mold , the mold surface with or without coatings can be used, but a higher coefficient of friction, this would complicate the design of the mold . Some grades of ALCAR and material can be molded at the same PVC foaming conditions .Aluminum composite molding material : with high gas barrier, wet , light-blocking performance for blister packaging, can be almost completely protected against drugs , but only into the foam material without heating can die stamping materials , very suitable for light , air , wet -sensitive pharmaceutical packaging, the basic structure of: nylon ( or PP) / aluminum / PVC / (PP, PE, sealing coatings ) .In addition to the production of PVC, PVC / PVDC, PVC / PE, PVC / PE / PVC and other plastic composite molding materials and outside , for PP, PET, PE, COC, ALCAR and other materials are not manufactured or immature technology , and long-term molding materials containing PVC class , to the environment and humans will cause some damage , along with human -depth knowledge of environmental protection of their own health , environmental class , non-toxic foaming material will be developed and applied more broadly , China's relevant departments should attach great importance to these issues.Domestic pharmaceutical companies for packaging material requirementsAt present, the pharmaceutical industry for blister packaging material requirements , show the following trends:A completely effective protection. Ensure the validity of drugs , increasing the shelf life of drugs . 2 , anti-counterfeiting packaging uniqueness. Modern companies increasingly pay attention to protect their brand and diverse security products blister packaging materials , is more conducive to the performance of personalized pharmaceutical packaging . 3, OTC drug packaging adaptability. OTC packaging blister packaging display is to clear, clear, effective and easily available to patients , in accordance with the provisions of the Drug Administration Law , this requirement will continue to be displayed.4 , non-toxic and environmentally friendly packaging . This requirement will increase with more intense vac tray awareness , kits enterprises are constantly striving to improve production methods and application of new materials. 5 , serialized packaging requirements. Large pharmaceutical companies , will design one plastic packaging box or more series of packaging solutions for their many varieties , such requests are still pouring suggested that this is a manifestation of corporate culture and product protection conscious .Domestic blister plastic packaging packaging material should be how to clear plastic box packaging developIn fact it can be summed up in one sentence the problems we are facing : the weak and the market is not standardized restriction technology equipment . Equipment is a good product hardware manufacturing conditions , no advanced equipment and ancillary equipment , even the best technology products can not do anything ; technology is a good product must support conditions , no mature innovative technology, even the best equipment will not necessarily produce great products come ; certainly not a regulated market , good products and new product because of the many human factors , and prices are not properly promote the use of , so to solve the unity of the three is our drug packaging materials further way of development.Comparison of domestic and foreign pharmaceutical blister packaging?Blister packaging is one of the main forms of pharmaceutical packaging , the packaging industry practice known as PTP . With the domestic pharmaceutical industry continues to grow , PTP packaging has been to develop , by the end of 2002, to get a registration card PTP aluminum foil drug packaging production enterprises has reached 39 , with a total production capacity of over 400 tons , PTP product has come out country.PTP aluminum foil from the original double-sided or single-sided printing blank varieties , developed to Single Gold Series Gold Series plastic packaging design double-sided , single-sided color series , two-sided color series , two-sided printing monochrome or multicolor overprint series of dozens of varieties, a hard PTP aluminum foil, aluminum foil PTP also soft ; development of domestic base into a bubble is gradually formed, PVC rigid sheet from the most widely used , the PVDC ( polyvinylidene chloride ) coated tablets, from composite PVC / PE ( polyethylene ) plastic sheet to cold forming aluminum composite sheets, so pharmaceutical packaging more optional.Comparative and future direction of foreign productsEuropean and vac tray American countries, pharmaceutical packaging has been the representative of the advanced level , regardless of their production, packaging equipment or PTP packaging materials, has formed a series , automation and functional. This paper compares different blister packaging products.1 , aluminum foil blister packagingPTP aluminum foil can be divided according to use touch broken aluminum foil , aluminum foil and peel peel - touch broken aluminum foil ; from a hard material of aluminum , soft aluminum , composite materials ; from the functional point with security foil , Child protection foil, aluminum foil child safety and convenience for the elderly , special protective foil and so on.Foil tactile broken : the most widely used aluminum foil cover may be rigid or may be soft , thickness of 15m to 30m, the basic structure of a protective layer / aluminum foil / heat seal layer, and PVC, PP ( polypropylene ), PET ( polyester ), PS ( polystyrene ) and PE ( polyethylene clear plastic box ) and other composite materials, sealing the blister cover , has a very good air tightness.Peel aluminum foil : aluminum foil peel airtight foil- break contact with essentially the same , the difference between the substrate and its heat seal strength is not too easy and only opened foil manufactured using a soft composite material, The basic structure of the paper / PET / AL / sealing layer ; PET / AL packaging design / sealing layer ; paper / AL / sealing layer , the heat seal strength is no minimum value requirements , suitable for child-resistant packaging as well as those afraid of pressure packaging items.Peel - Touch broken aluminum foil : These packages are mainly used to protect children's safety , but also easy to open the elderly. Way is to peel open PET or paper / PET composite film of aluminum foil , and then touch the broken foil obtain drugs , the basic structure: Paper / PET / special glue / AL / sealing layer , PET / special glue / AL / sealing layer , the United States and Germany, most of blister packaging requires child-resistant packaging .Security Foil: In addition to positioning sided overprint bit outside foil , aluminum foil surface printing, coating , transfer of specific substances or machined aluminum foil itself a special form of PTP aluminum foil, aluminum foil is generally known as anti-counterfeiting , anti-counterfeiting printing ink can be divided into general laser holographic anti-counterfeiting , anti-counterfeiting labels plastic trays and layout security , so that the interests of pharmaceutical companies get some protection .Special foil : These foil is mainly used for special items of packaging , not only can effectively protect the packaged goods covered , while the aluminum foil itself is not related substances corrode and damage the packaging of these related substances such as acids , alkalis, and easy and other volatiles . The basic structure of the protective layer / AL / special coating / sealing layer, a protective layer / AL / barrier layer / heat seal layer .Our PTP aluminum foil, pharmaceutical packaging in a form that is basically only touch broken aluminum foil , aluminum foil while counterfeit products do not diversify , special foil only a breakthrough in one or two areas , children's protective foil, convenient for the elderly aluminum foil, and two face -bit positioning overlay foil , etc., is basically blank , requiring manufacturers to adapt to the situation PTP , learn from foreign advanced technology and equipment to improve business processes , to keep up with PTP aluminum foil packaging trends, future PTP aluminum foil, the to develop multi-functional, diverse and environmentally friendly production direction .2 , blister packaging material into the bubbleIn our country is still widely used as a foaming PVC rigid sheet material today, Europe has in many ways to restrict or prohibit the use of PVC, PVC main reason is harmful to the environment and have an impact on , and PVC barrier is not very satisfactory abroad have to use more of the following material as a foam substrate and the production process of these materials is quite mature.PET: barrier properties, transparency , resistance to bacterial , preferably cold , better adaptability to processing , low toxicity , beneficial drugs protected preservation.PP: good transparency , good barrier properties , non-toxic , good processing adaptability, can be recycled .PE: good barrier properties , good transparency , non-toxic , processing and clamshell boxes better adaptability , can be recycled .COC: first developed in Japan cyclic olefin copolymer -like , with very good sealing performance , but their easily broken , so often associated with PP composite in order to facilitate the shape remains , but also with ALCAR complex , COC can clam shells for sale now majority heat on high performance molding equipment.ALCAR composites: the use of new materials by copolymerizing the homopolymer , the material does not adhere to the mold , the mold surface with or without coatings can be used, but a higher coefficient of clear plastic packaging friction, this would complicate the design of the mold . Some grades of ALCAR and material can be molded at the same PVC foaming conditions .Aluminum composite molding material : with high gas barrier, wet , light-blocking performance for blister packaging, can be almost completely protected against drugs , plastic box but only into the foam material without heating can die stamping materials , very suitable for light , air , wet -sensitive pharmaceutical packaging, the basic structure of: nylon ( or PP) / aluminum / PVC / (PP, PE, clamshell packaging sealing coatings ) .In addition to the production of PVC, PVC / PVDC, PVC / PE, PVC / PE / PVC and other plastic composite molding materials and outside , for PP, PET, PE, COC, ALCAR and other materials are not manufactured or immature technology , and long-term molding materials containing PVC class , to the environment and humans will cause some damage , along with human -depth knowledge of environmental protection of their own health , environmental class , non-toxic foaming material will be developed and applied more broadly , China's relevant departments should attach great importance to these issues.Domestic pharmaceutical companies for packaging material requirementsAt present, the pharmaceutical industry for blister packaging material requirements , show the following trends:A completely effective protection. Ensure the validity of drugs , increasing the shelf life of drugs . 2 , anti-counterfeiting packaging uniqueness. Modern companies increasingly pay attention to protect their brand and diverse security products blister packaging materials , is more conducive blister packs packaging to the performance of personalized pharmaceutical packaging . 3, OTC drug packaging adaptability. OTC packaging blister packaging display is to clear, clear, effective plastic packaging box and easily available to patients , in accordance with the provisions of the Drug Administration Law , this requirement will continue to be displayed.4 , non-toxic and environmentally friendly packaging . This requirement will increase with more intense awareness , kits enterprises are constantly striving to improve production methods and application of new materials. 5 , serialized packaging requirements. Large pharmaceutical companies , will design one or more series of packaging solutions for their many varieties , such requests are still pouring suggested that this is a manifestation of corporate culture and product protection conscious .Domestic blister packaging material should be how to developIn fact it can be summed up in one sentence the problems we are facing : the weak and the market is not standardized restriction technology equipment . Equipment is a plastic packaging good product hardware manufacturing conditions , no advanced equipment plastic packaging box and ancillary equipment , even the best technology products can not do anything ; technology is a good product must support conditions , no mature innovative technology, even the best equipment will not necessarily produce great products come ; certainly not a regulated market , good products and new product because of the many human factors , and prices are not properly promote the use of , so to solve the unity of the three is our drug packaging materials further way of development.

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Posted by: ミュウミュウ バッグ 公式 at October 29, 2014 12:45 AM (oMUa9)

43 経典ブランドMCM キーケース http://glendalepolicefoundation.org/testsite/GPF/mcm.php 品質も絶対に保証 !お早めに! ポールスミス 名刺入れ レディース http://lacasadelnazareno.com/images/paul.html

Posted by: ポールスミス 名刺入れ レディース at October 29, 2014 12:50 AM (IMCwv)

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Posted by: コーチ 財布 アウトレット at October 29, 2014 12:50 AM (IMCwv)

45 ガガミラノ 時計 レディース新作特集! http://www.tekstilteknik.com/dbnet/p/mall/gaga.html 品質保証!大好評販売中! トムフォード メガネ 5147 http://trafficcontrolproducts.com/39365/tomford.php

Posted by: トムフォード メガネ 5147 at October 29, 2014 12:50 AM (fbJSR)

46 シャネル 香水新作直営店! http://www.theatervilligen.ch/captcha/top/jr/p/item/chanel.html 大特価人気 商品が入荷中! セリーヌ 店舗 http://valdostadirect.com/articles/celine.php

Posted by: セリーヌ 店舗 at October 29, 2014 01:03 AM (p2ewC)

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Posted by: コーチ 財布 at October 29, 2014 01:21 AM (GRRI5)

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Posted by: フルラ バッグ ショルダー at October 29, 2014 02:09 AM (UsnZh)

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Posted by: パーカー 万年筆 at October 29, 2014 02:10 AM (UsnZh)

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Posted by: フルラ アウトレット at October 29, 2014 03:08 AM (y5lul)

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Posted by: セリーヌ バッグ 斜めがけ at October 29, 2014 03:26 AM (cfi1m)

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Posted by: MCM 財布 メンズ at October 29, 2014 03:31 AM (tfeAs)

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Posted by: ルイヴィトン キーケース at October 29, 2014 03:32 AM (tfeAs)

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Posted by: トリーバーチ 店舗 at October 29, 2014 03:47 AM (wnZif)

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Posted by: クロエ 財布 人気 at October 30, 2014 12:39 AM (ZXkem)

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Posted by: レイバン メガネ 人気 at October 30, 2014 12:39 AM (ZXkem)

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Posted by: ヴィクトリアシークレット 店舗 at October 30, 2014 12:41 AM (zwdH5)

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Posted by: TUMI 店舗 at October 30, 2014 12:44 AM (2NNke)

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Posted by: リーバイス501ビンテージ at October 30, 2014 01:28 AM (VxA6Z)

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Posted by: トリーバーチ ポーチ at October 30, 2014 01:49 AM (wykDU)

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Posted by: グッチ キーケース at October 30, 2014 01:52 AM (HNHmL)

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Posted by: セリーヌ 財布 メンズ at October 30, 2014 09:19 AM (6ACcb)

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Posted by: ブルガリ 指輪 メンズ at October 31, 2014 12:38 AM (ILRCm)

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Posted by: グッチ 財布 レディース at October 31, 2014 12:40 AM (6pp3/)

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Posted by: グッチ 財布 at October 31, 2014 12:52 AM (xt2GF)

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Posted by: トリーバーチ 財布 at October 31, 2014 01:55 AM (BGebL)

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Posted by: コンバース スニーカー レディース at October 31, 2014 02:10 AM (uOOaU)

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Posted by: ブルガリ 香水 メンズ at October 31, 2014 02:10 AM (uOOaU)

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Posted by: ヴィクトリアシークレット ワンピース at October 31, 2014 02:43 AM (w5flZ)

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Posted by: コーチ バッグ at October 31, 2014 03:43 AM (/hQP2)

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Posted by: ガガミラノ腕時計 at November 01, 2014 01:07 AM (nZ/5d)

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Posted by: ミュウミュウ バッグ 人気 at November 01, 2014 01:34 AM (TeiHt)

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Posted by: parker 万年筆 5th at November 01, 2014 01:42 AM (tLzis)

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Posted by: ニューバランス 574 メンズ at November 01, 2014 01:42 AM (tLzis)

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Posted by: ニューバランス スニーカー レディース at November 01, 2014 01:44 AM (srkpf)

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Posted by: MCM バッグ トート at November 01, 2014 01:48 AM (YWpF9)

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Posted by: フルラ バッグ カルメン at November 01, 2014 01:48 AM (AmnoA)

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Posted by: エルメス バッグ トート at November 01, 2014 01:54 AM (zm0RK)

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Posted by: ルイヴィトン 財布 エピ at November 01, 2014 01:55 AM (zm0RK)

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Posted by: ガガミラノ時計店舗 at November 01, 2014 01:57 AM (h8/TX)

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Posted by: オニツカタイガー スニーカー 赤 at November 01, 2014 02:03 AM (h8/TX)

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Posted by: プラダ 財布 花 at November 01, 2014 02:46 AM (6vnRX)

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Posted by: コーチ バッグ レディース at November 01, 2014 02:53 AM (0YDr5)

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Posted by: ボッテガヴェネタ 財布 ピンク at November 04, 2014 11:08 PM (KngIP)

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