April 10, 2014

Cultural identity and location of gift wrap

Gift packaging as packaging in a class , except that it must meet the basic functions of packaging packaging boxes wholesale , complete protection of goods, delivery of goods information, other than to sell goods , but also focuses on the exchange of information between people passing emotion , enhance the gift of taste, it is a manifestation of human emotional communication media fraternity and common frame bridgeWe said today gift packaging design, it does not refer to a specific field , such as souvenir packaging and packaging should be integrated into all areas of packaging from the perspective of vertical and clamshell blister horizontal field of speaking, gift wrap gift wrapping involved always , at various points penetrate the packaging field , it should be diversified and comprehensive packaging design type, for example : flower plants packaging, food packaging, clothing packaging , native packaging, craft packaging, cosmetic packaging , electronic products packaging, commodity packaging , fruit packaging, toy packaging and so on.Gift packaging with " love" as its selling point to "communication " as the purpose of the design , content and form of the product design and the whole mutual to enhance the " gift" of taste. In terms of its culture , gift packaging can be reflected in two ways , first, gift packaging design should highlight the characteristics of the national culture and characteristics of the times ; Second, gift packaging design packaging material selection, natural materials to deliver a " strong , simple " friendship , " natural harmony " culture.First, with the improvement of people's living standards in the pursuit of material and also satisfy the desire for spiritual satisfaction , namely the need for a cultural taste of the packaging, it can promote sales charges on an emotional resonance . Therefore, we should think about the social utility of design , focusing on design culture, culture is the sum of human social practice in the process of obtaining the material , spiritual and material wealth production capacity , spiritual wealth , national character , through national forms of development , the formation of national traditions . But cultural manifestations of this packaging design should not only refers to the country's traditional culture, but an era of coexistence and complex .The various nationalities of traditional packaging forms, cultural progress directly affect packaging development, especially gift packaging. Tradition with Phoebe, camphor produced a variety of cartridges , boxes, used to hold memory pen, ink , books, paintings , ink and other items , it is one kind of luxurious gift wrap. People of all materials used in the packaging and reasonable, making clever , unique, distinctive decor , and a rich traditional local style, make foreign people feel a sense of novelty unique . When the pace of human footsteps getting tight, more and more attachment to traditional culture .Our country has a long history , long years , the deposition of many ancient and modern, modern and folk art of the essence in it inextricably feelings. Figure 1 is " Biluochun " gift tea packaging, the Chinese tea culture melodious , elegant, Chun Hong , stretching emotion vividly reflected, luxurious, elegant style pattern as packaging material, simple, crisp but nationalization shape, namely expression quot;? tea " gift package features humanistic culture, but also a unique blend of world culture " emotional "communication emotion dignified and strong text , rich color contrast , gives ." tea " culture of quality attributesGift packaging design from " horizontal" to the context , the cultural characteristics of their national unity and the perfect example of period features abound, such as Japan, packaging , especially gift wrap , with a strong national character and the times, its pattern style, text format , use of color all trace of strong quot;? wind " , seemingly random but actually orchestrated point , line, surface , filling the emptiness of traditional Japanese culture and charm to the packaging and not just in Japan nationalization only. its distribution pattern , text layout, color matching and leave no doubt that it has a bold and responsible uninhibited style of Western culture .Gift packaging design differs from the pure artistic creation , it is restricted product attributes , marketing costs and other aspects of psychology , therefore , improve the cultural tastes gift packaging design and characteristics of the times means different commodity , its design orientation and different, it is not the product of folk art of calligraphy + + ...... etc. patchwork patterns , only personally to the national traditional culture have a certain understanding of modern aesthetics a deeper study of modern marketing, sales charges psychology, materials and technology and other disciplines have a full understanding and grasp of modern expression language and form , in order to design a blend of intelligence and reason gift design .Second, gift packaging design or packaging material selection should be based on natural materials -based, such as paper, bamboo, wood, mud, stems and leaves of plants and other natural materials, local conditions, the amount was applied to design a variety of packaging materials. Traditional natural packaging materials , when packaged in their original state, simple processing, elaborately decorated three forms appear. This not only reflects the orientation of the color box packaging three concepts of traditional oriental aesthetics , no ornaments - to take the natural beauty of nature , natural ornaments no wins - as gentle and harmonious beauty, natural beauty and legendary by the artistic beauty , but also reflects the modern people 's environmental awareness. Packaging timber , or keep the original state or after processing crafted polished . Bamboo, bamboo or direct whichever form section , or the exploitation of its skin before weaving synthesizers . Those plants leaves and epidermis ( palm skin ) , have become the material of choice for gift packaging . After firing pottery and glass products as a packaging material has also been thousands of years, centuries of history traces. Animal leather tanning history is long, delicate hand plastic packaging boxes wholesale of its own praise. Modern people pay more attention to enjoy the gift of nature and the natural flavor of the return thermoform trays from the vision of natural materials , tactile medium . Designers should thoroughly understand the characteristics of natural materials , the charm of its spirituality and presented , using recombinant and create a new life , and it contains all of the cultural information.Another ` In addition, the choice of blister sealing materials should focus on gift packaging design flexibility, especially in certain areas of national adaptation to the particular style habits. East, South, West, North , Han nationality, ethnic minority regions of China , the vast urban and rural areas , often have different aesthetic practices in the design of the South should thermoforming packaging not be rigid bamboo material used in the northern Beijing fruit packaging , but also Sichuan pickles should not be made ??into cans packaging . If Henan wheat plot rod packing jewelry, not only to our feelings packaging design in the form of error , also has a selection borrow irrational factors. In addition , many products itself has strong local characteristics , such as Fujian, there is a leather wrapped bamboo tea , Zhejiang tea made ??with anti- spring barrel , Guangdong coconut sugar, oil gluten basket Wuxi , Shaoxing Hua Diao wine altar , with its timber reasonable , cleverly crafted , unique is the gift packaging design should promote and mining elements.On gift packaging material, emphasize the application of comparative quality materials and natural materials , and give full play to the natural texture of thick , primitive atmosphere, in addition , may borrow a lot of new modern decorative printing paper, packaging to build a new image , artistic language richer. Figure IX with recycled materials, gift series for the packaging design , the same color on the fruit to match , shape, color , material organic unity, reflecting the characteristics of the nationalization of the times, to give people an elegant , intimate , patina the affinity of the ancient village , reaching people who love to tell things cultural identity .With the development and progress of science and technology era, we should continue to explore the connotation actively look back some intriguing gift packaging design and a higher aesthetic , a focus on traditional culture and deepen the examination should be Note that the traditional inheritance and deconstruction of artistic taste pursuit and exploration. Emphasizes a natural, friendly , simple, healthy , aesthetic awareness of environmental protection, packaging design as a gift , not just limited to the market , distribution and display shelves , more involvement of people living on social relations and gift packaging design style among the details , gifts have emotional exchange , hands spread characteristics , which are different from the ordinary packaging " one-off" using the feature , you need to have a thought-provoking content, fresh, attractive, user-friendly design has become even more focused .

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