May 04, 2014

The next two to three years the development of plastic pipe will enter the "Golden Age"

The next two to three years clamshell boxes the development of plastic pipe will enter the "Golden Age"In recent years, driven by the rapid development of China's macro-economy, China's plastic pipe industry has packaging boxes wholesale been rapid development. Because plastic pipe has obvious advantages in energy, clear plastic box packaging land, water, materials aspects. 2015 development of the plastic packaging box plastic pipe will enter the clear plastic box "Golden Age", the total production will reach 13.2 million tons.Housing construction and public works still provide a stable domestic demand; conservancy construction policy support, an annual 400 clam shells for sale billion of investment; rural drinking water safety system upgrade construction blister packs packaging and building materials to the countryside pulling plastic pipe demand; gas supply system and heating consumption trends will also bring demand incremental and other conditions, by the current favorable policies, the development of China's plastic pipe industry unprecedented.Thus, the development of plastic pipe "golden era" has begun, I believe the future of China's plastic pipe industry will usher in rapid steady development.

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